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It wasn't bad luck, it wasn't Ocala bad karma, actually it really wasn't even bad play but my winning streak at poker ended today.

I took $400 of the $600 I won yesterday and went back to play $2-$5 again today. Over a 6 hour period I played really good and caught decent hands at the right times and built it up to $900. I had been thinking I needed to leave and was just about ready when I got involved in a hand that would change my day.

I had a suited Q-J and there was a straddle on. Since I was in the BB and there were 4 people already in front of me I called. The Flop brought a Q-J-3. I lead out $35, fold, call, fold, call. The turn is a blank but 4-flushes me to go along with top 2-pair. I check, next guy checks, next guy bets $100. I call and the other guy raises to $500. The guy that bet the $100 folds and even though this might indicate the guy has a set I had seen him make this move the day before with absolute air. I normally lay down in this spot cause I just play too tight when I'm not sure but knowing what the guy was capable of and the fact that I had top-2 with a flush re-draw all the money got in the middle.

The guy did have the set and I didn't river to make a better hand. Shit happens.
Maybe this cat knew you'd remember when he put in a big raise with air and that you might call the big re-raise drawing thin.


The $500 re-raise was definitely what I like to call The Signal but based on his image I may have called as well.

I had to stop playing cards because I started sweating the action after my marriage ended.

I'm only a crafty card player when I don't sweat short term results.

I started getting eaten alive when I'd sweat a $300-$500 buy in
If this hand would have happened during my bad run I might have laid it down. If it had been anyone at the table but this particular guy I might have laid it down but not sure, I mean there is still the re-draw for the flush.

The guy could have remembered I was at his table and saw the HUGE bluff he pulled off.

I should have already been gone an hour earlier so regardless if it was the right call on my part or not I have no-one to blame but myself. I did see that 60" LED in winning that pot though.
Umm. If you got it all in there, that means one of four things:

1. You came over the top of him and shoved.
2. You called off another $355+ on the river.
3. You didn't really have it up to $900.
4. You didn't actually get it all in and had the guy covered.

Which is it?
Oh, I didn't mention it but I gave Ocala Poker $600 back in the cash game. No bad beats, no unlucky circumstances, I just played poorly and made some bad reads.

Did place 3rd in the late afternoon tournament to get $200 of the lost $600 back though.
FOK U fate!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fok feeling really good about a basketball card and checking scores and seeing your teams sitting comfortable only to check back in late and find out all but one lost.

Fok playing cards all day and not playing badly, even making some very very nice laydowns and still losing $1000 when all was said and done.

FOK being good at something and that something be losing.