I just found this thread ,this is great.
Dave i have a few questions.
Hey LD, glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was dead, but here we are, haha.
1. like many people I joined ,stayed { and left when i realized he wasn't coming back] because of ganchrow. I was wondering do you have any idea what type of business he was in or what may have happened to him?
I know that he was in Costa Rica. It came as a big surprise to me... one day shortly after the bash (my firing would come just a week or so later), we were all asked to change our passwords and they changed some passwords in the backend because they had let Ganch go. I won't pretend to know the reasons in depth, but I heard it had something to do with the deal SBR had with Don Best, that apparently he hadn't done his part in it as well as he should have. He is obviously a really sharp guy and was an asset to the forum, but as SBR brass has shown, everyone is easily dispensable to them.
2 Why did you move to texas and not ctsta rica? was costa rica on the table?
Costa Rica was where the sportsbook dealing end of things was taken care of, among other tech stuff. The Texas office was for forum based day-to-day stuff, and that was where I was being brought in. They would eventually move everyone to Costa Rica, but at the time, that's how it worked.
3.Were you privy to why they hated ken from eog so much?
Nope, it dated back long before I was ever in forumland. They sure do hate him though. I'm sure its a combination of past bad blood and the rivalry of the two sites... I'd guess Ken isn't their biggest fan, either.
4. What is your impression of eog and rx and what are your thought on the future of sbr?
I have no bad blood with either. EOG always seemed to be a bit too far off base for me (not enough real sports talk, too much drama), but SBR has essentially become just as bad. EOG also comes off as the most unprofessional; not only on the board, but on their main website. It isn't aesthetically pleasing at all, and for example, click "Poker". You get a blank page. It's been like that for over a year now. As someone with an OCD personality and having a knack for attention to detail, things like this bother me. But that's neither here nor there, haha.
Rx seems nice enough. I always seemed to get a warmer reception there than I did at EOG back when I would post my college vids and what not a few years back. It is a totally different community though... lots of arching storylines and posters between EOG and SBR, Rx seems to be its own beast. Which is cool in its own right, but I don't really want to start over as the "new kid on the block" , either.
Future of SBR? They are a machine. I equate SBR to a man that has stumbled upon a never ending supply of 30 pound bricks of gold that are a day's walk away from town. Me? I'd grab one, walk back to town, sell it, and with the profits I'd buy a pickup truck and start driving to-and-fro with multiple bars in tow. SBR on the other hand is just close-minded and content to do things their way, walking one brick back at a time instead of thinking it over.
They seemed to think that attracting newbies and keeping loyalists were mutually exclusive. Wrong and stupid, we could all still be there and very happy if the place weren't run so poorly. But alas, even if they are run like complete shit, you can't fuck up a never ending supply of gold bars. And to their credit, they did a lot of things right to get to that point; sadly for them, they don't have the right people in place to go to the next level.
5. lastly do you think you would ever consider doing any writing at the rx or eog, its sad sbr has lost alot of you guys.
Sure, if the money was right, which I doubt it would be. After five+ years, I'm tired of writing for free... and in a day and age where these places can probably get articles for $5 free plays, I doubt my services would be asked for. I wouldn't move again though, that's for sure!