what was your all-time most heart breaking bad beat gambling loss?
Okay this is embarrassing but here goes.
A couple decades back when I had my first Bowmans phone account and I was just feeling my way along in the world of gambling and trying to develop angles, I fiddled with anti-middles. I didn't really know what I was doing but I thought I saw some promise there.
What I was focused on was MLB games, usually taking the home team -1.5 and the visiting team ML. I only played games with the highest totals (because they were the most likely not to be the dreaded 1 run home team victory) And I had set up parameters of how much of a straddle I needed to see.
I don't remember the exact numbers but I'd make something like 75 bucks on most games. But on those occasions where the home team won by exactly 1, I'd lose both bets which was something like -$450.
I was quite successful for awhile - until that fateful day. I had about 4 of these anti-middles and BOOM - I lost one - then another - then another. Couldn't believe it. Home teams winning by exactly 1 over and over. All the profit I had scratched and clawed together over a period of weeks - all my visions of this life I would be living on Easy Street because of my revolutionary anti-middles system - gone and then some in an hour.
There was one game left. It was in Colorado which had the wildest highest scoring games back then. It got to the bottom of the 9th and the visitors were leading 12-9. I was tracking this on TV because that's what you did back then. There was a channel that scrolled through the scores and you just had to keep checking it.
Furthermore, this was when I was with my ex and she didn't have any idea what was going on. I was keeping completely poker faced as these disastrous results rolled in one after another and I was dying inside.
The bottom of the 9th of my Colorado game seemed to last forever. I kept flipping over to the scores channel. Every time it was the same thing: 12-9 bottom 9th. Over and over. The ex was knitting away without a clue about my torment.
I remember the feeling like I had been hammered in the chest with a 2 by 4 when finally I saw it.
13 Final
There was no rally; no chance to mentally prepare myself. Grand slam - game over.
I have had much bigger dollar losses since then - and very impossibly stupid plays happen in games I was watching that cost me the cash - but I remember that so clearly.