Qualifiers going to a contestant audition are told to prepare 5 anecdotes. They give you like one line on a page so the basic strategy is to come up with a catchy little summary - and then hopefully you have a story in your head to expand on it. You don't know which one or two they will follow up on.
I strongly believe that "humorous" is important.
I did a horrible job with my anecdotes the first time I qualified, but I believe I got progressively better the next 2 times.
As for job, I'm 99% sure they ask your job just as a general question along with your name and city or whatever. Also relating to that for me, when I went to Boston I know one of my little anecdote teasers was something like, I have worked for 10 years as a professional gambler.
I debated that a bit - i.e. would that be make me seem like an unsavory character or in fact more interesting (and good for the show as Alex is always trying to encourage bigger betting)? Decided to go with it. I would again except it would be in past tense now.
They didn't ask me about it in my interview. They asked me why I am the barbecue king which was another of my teasers.