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Anatomy Of A Relationship Through GL Eyes

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there should be a book by the gamelive family, a mish mash off our stories and conversations....I bet that would be an entertaining read.

I don't smoke anymore, but when I did, mixing alcohol and weed NEVER went over well, and I always got sleepy.

House, I'm hungover as a motherfucker today. POUNDED beers all night while I played GTAV til I fell asleep with the controller in my hand. In a shit mood this morning too. Everything is pissing me off, and the world is on tilt. A couple of redbeers and some pickle juice is slowly setting me straight...I think. House, go drink some pickle juice.

Been known to sip a bit of olive juice from time to time
I am having a drink at a bar. Bartender asked me how I was doing. I told her I would be doing better if a girl was molesting me.

She says to me "I don't know anything about sports".

I guess in the South, bar sex is a sport.

MVP to rookie in 700 miles fellas.

I think I'm going to use that answer for any question that I don't feel like answering.
The last 2 months, I have been hanging out with a girl. 34, two children and very nice. Big problem is our schedules (and her hesitancy to me meeting her kids) make it impossible for us to see each other often. I say we see each other 14 hours a week (8 of those sleeping).

Now with work being as busy as it is, I'm not in any desperate need for companionship. That said, most of my late nights after work I have been having drinks with Danielle. She was the brunette I wanted to talk to but had a bf. I hired her a month ago, and we have been talking nightly.

Thing is she has a bf still. He screwed up big time this weekend, and the way it sounds, their relationship is in its last legs.

My question. Is it scummy that I am considering biding my time (but not getting more serious) with Jen and waiting to see what Danielle's status becomes?

Danielle doesn't have children, is 24 and dates only guys in her forties. She's not a gold digger and is very cute. She told me last night if she was single she would totally give me a shot.

She could be the one. True story.
So you're single and you've been hanging out with a couple of girls. It sounds like the second girl's bf cheated on her? If so anything legit about him is to be dismissed, fuck that shit.

Unless you've committed to girl #1 which it sounds like you haven't you're all good here imo.

I'd like to know if girl #2's bf cheated on her if so you should get him out of the picture and swoop her up.

He didn't cheat. He is very jealous and possessive. He went through her phone last night and accused Her of cheating with multiple men.

Crazy thing is, with all the guys that hit on her, she is extremely faithful. When her and I talk, I keep all talk that would be considered risque out of the conversation.

They both are on my Facebook Bacon. You can be more of a judge than some here.
Agree with Bacon, but girl gut feeling says girl #2 bf not going anywhere. I think Casper is in the FZ. How long have they been together? No harm in waiting it out though, unless you have a defined exclusive relationship with girl #1.

Did she volunteer this about giving you a shot if she were single, or did you ask her?
IAG, she volunteered the info during a convo last night. Not in FZ as much as I am in "it is what it is" zone.
Bacon, she talked about anal last night in a convo. She was saying her ass hurt and she hasn't had anal in awhile.
Wasn't sure if that was hot or scary.
Mixed feelings on that, scary because it shows she's not a true anal whore, a true one would only want more BUT she is actively participating in anal. More good than bad imo, she'll heal up and will be back at it in no time.

Strong lean on second girl now, this could be you at break time, or whenever.
Gotcha. How long has she been with her bf? I definitely would not string girl 1 along. Maybe you need to have a conversation....but remember a bird in the hand...good luck whatever you do. I really hope one day you find "the one." Seems like you have had about 4 "the ones" that I've seen. Do you really even want "one?" You are a tough one to figure out Mr. Waits.