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10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

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N word is an interesting point. It is a deliberately provocative term. Its similar to calling somebody the worst thing you can think off. This is understood by recipient. However same thing, proponents of anti-racism who spend their time harping on whats a proper use of the word or whether it should be outlawed are useless morons. Meanwhile people in the ghetto are dealing with real problems which these people don't want to address.

btw, Cami is turning me on right now :hides:
. I see your point on racist terms, but I do not feel it is for me, as a WASP, to invalidate what someone else in that minority finds offensive or "an important issue."
Women should be thankful. Beats the shit out of being grunted at and dragged into a cave, doesn't it?

sigh. Men and Women are always going to possess certain behaviors, period. If they didn't we'd live in a fucking utopia. Change takes time, and we can't make everything happen at once. As far as women's movements, pretty sure we have bigger fish to fry then frequent catcalling.
Seems like Cami took a pretty hard stance with House regarding the N word recently. Black people should just be happy they are not being frequently lynched anymore I guess. (For Blitty..this again is sarcasm :))

Again, not even considering the sexist angle, it's fucking annoying to be barked at by ANYONE just walking down the street.

And what you are missing is that yes, there are bigger issues for women...but those causes are undermined by more "insignificant" issues like this. Women will never advance in those causes as long if they are allowed to be disrespected at the most basic level.
Again, twisting my words. I said I find catcalling, and the use of the word nigger, very different. Calling someone a nigger, offends me, catcalling does not. Both things should not occur, I would sooner rally up to stop racism, then to stop catcalling. Racism is a larger issue to me then catcalling. I just happen to think catcalling is something you will never be able to stop. Some man, somewhere is going to act like an idiot. So, as women, we are going to let something as small as catcalling stop us from reaching our goals?? You think just because a man can't verbally express himself is going to somehow earn women more respect? Men will still think what they are thinking regardless especially so long as there are hot women in skimpy clothes plastered all over the place in media. the hell do you expect from a guy?
Seems like Cami took a pretty hard stance with House regarding the N word recently. Black people should just be happy they are not being frequently lynched anymore I guess. (For Blitty..this again is sarcasm :))

Again, not even considering the sexist angle, it's fucking annoying to be barked at by ANYONE just walking down the street.

And what you are missing is that yes, there are bigger issues for women...but those causes are undermined by more "insignificant" issues like this. Women will never advance in those causes as long if they are allowed to be disrespected at the most basic level.

You couldn't be missing the point more if you tried.
Best way to kill a movement or significant debate is to get it bogged down in irrelevant nonsense. Get people arguing about stuff of little significance.
Nobody is saying minorities should be satisfied with what they got etc
And what you are missing is that yes, there are bigger issues for women...but those causes are undermined by more "insignificant" issues like this. Women will never advance in those causes as long if they are allowed to be disrespected at the most basic level.


I'm not saying that I know this to be true, but it sure strikes me as a very valid point. I think a lot of societal changes may happen from the bottom up, with everyday people on the street feeling less-inclined to single out certain groups as less worthy of respect, because they will be recognized as asshats by society.

And I think most of the interactions in that video are pretty clear indications of a lack of respect that has a lot to do with the woman simply being a woman. Is it such a stretch that societal acceptance of that lack of respect for women contributes to a tolerance of other inequalities such as income and reproductive rights?
Cami you can't stop racism unless everyone somehow becomes the same color. But hopefully we can import more illegals and have them populate and breed out the whites who aren't having children anyway. Less whites = less white racism, and black racism doesn't matter because that's not "really" racism.

All sarcasm for anyone who is slow.
Again, twisting my words. I said I find catcalling, and the use of the word nigger, very different. Calling someone a nigger, offends me, catcalling does not. Both things should not occur, I would sooner rally up to stop racism, then to stop catcalling. Racism is a larger issue to me then catcalling. I just happen to think catcalling is something you will never be able to stop. Some man, somewhere is going to act like an idiot. So, as women, we are going to let something as small as catcalling stop us from reaching our goals?? You think just because a man can't verbally express himself is going to somehow earn women more respect? Men will still think what they are thinking regardless especially so long as there are hot women in skimpy clothes plastered all over the place in media. the hell do you expect from a g

The point is that you keep saying YOU find this offensive but not that. You are saying that women should not get upset about something that they find personally bothersome. I know plenty who think using the N word is no big deal, You are telling someone what should be important to them and invalidating their feelings. I believe that men can learn to shut their mouth on the street. I don't expect them not to think it or talk amongst themselves..just as much as other language and other behaviors have evolved, I believe this can change.
You couldn't be missing the point more if you tried.
Best way to kill a movement or significant debate is to get it bogged down in irrelevant nonsense. Get people arguing about stuff of little significance.
Nobody is saying minorities should be satisfied with what they got etc
. No friend, YOU two are missing the point. You're lucky I'm on the iPad and can't type a diatribe, but see my comment and MrX response above.

Reno u are annoyed by advertising. How do you feel about the barkers in Vegas or Mexico?