Well then guilty as charged. You are right, I do think women should try a different method to deal with this "issue". I don't think, or more so understand, why other women find it so offensive. I did say it should stop. In my opinion, I think people make far too big of a deal out of it as a whole, which in my opinion only adds to it's offensiveness, whereas I feel if women would just ignore it, no you can't have any, or please stop, or that's not nice, or fucking something, when the act is occurring, maybe that would work to change it.
And look I am expressing my opinion, and you are arguing with my opinion, trying to invalidate it, you are doing the same shit you are accusing me of. Do you see me forcing my opinion on anyone? no. I am simply expressing myself. so lay off.
I get it, you don't agree with me, that is fine, no need to twist my words and continue arguing with me.