Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Muse

    Plommer, talk to me about hairy bush...

    Plommer, how often are you hacking up hair pie?
  2. Muse

    Casperwaits: The TRUTH

    Casper, great detective work pal. You blew this case WIDE open.
  3. Muse

    Casperwaits: The TRUTH

    Edit: Way TOO much inrmeation I still have a soft spot in my heart for him. I know deep down he just needs to accept himself for who he is.
  4. Muse

    Casperwaits: The TRUTH

    We're from NYC originally. My sister moved back to NYC while we were still in Vegas. When we moved back, they started dating. I was fine with it even though I knew it wouldn't work out. You should see that guy run, he looks like he has spastic cerebral palsy. Honestly, I started feeling bad...
  5. Muse

    Casperwaits: The TRUTH

    Reason the IP's matched is because we were roommates in Vegas. "Casper" was dating my sister for a while (the one that doesn't want kids) and we found out he was staying in a shelter. So he moved in with me for a while. At the time, I had never even heard of Gamelive and was spending most of...
  6. Muse

    Top 8 Reasons Why I Need To Have Dinner With Cali & Blitty

    Thx matty. Youre invited as well. Grandpa just turned 91 but doing well. Granma is 88 with full blown dementia so she just lays in her bed all day. Her bed is riht next to the dinner table though. After a while you wont even notice her.
  7. Muse

    Ask Justin a question....

    Dustin have you ever deliver a newborn? If so, did she take a dump? Dustin, have you ever picked up a really bad GI bleed? How did that smell? Have you ever taken care of someone that was shot or stabbed and do you know the story behind it? Thx dustin, its good getting to know you.
  8. Muse

    Top 8 Reasons Why I Need To Have Dinner With Cali & Blitty

    Matttty If you talk to my cousin would you tell her we're doing thanksgiving dinner with the grandparents on Tues. Thx guy
  9. Muse

    Costa Rica updates:

    Do Tony and John have lunch together every day and discuss things like JJGOLD's influence on the market?
  10. Muse

    Daily Affirmation 11-15-11

    Plommer pal, was this taken at your house?
  11. Muse

    Miami Marlins offering Pujols 225 million

    :hey: Wally
  12. Muse

    Top 8 Reasons Why I Need To Have Dinner With Cali & Blitty

    Blitty calm down pal. Wife wants you there, so youre in. She also wants Cali there, so she's in as well. Could be interesting. Blitty don't make me look bad in front of my old lady. She's all I got.
  13. Muse

    Top 8 Reasons Why I Need To Have Dinner With Cali & Blitty

    So Boner, Casper, Blitty, Cali and Zeta are all in NYC'ish? I may have to re-think my invite.
  14. Muse

    go wall street protest

    FW, that's one of the main things they're protesting. OWS is just a title and doesn't imply that's what they're protesting although it's part of it. That was just a catchy name to get people interested. Exactly what a title should do.
  15. Muse

    Saw a cop pull over a speeder

    Good job, DaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFFaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY! :boxcleanersdaddy:
  16. Muse

    jesus picture appear on dog's butt

    Let the dog lead the people, I will follow him to the depths.
  17. Muse

    Miami Marlins offering Pujols 225 million

    Marlins won two WS titles with lowest payroll in baseball. They know this is not the way to win titles. Didn't work well for the Rangers with A-rod, Dodgers with Manny, Boston with Crawford, Yankees with A-rod, Phillies with Lee etc.... Gotta consider the opportunity costs and they're gonna...
  18. Muse

    Ever Have Pet Jump Into Bed During Sex?

    PETA notified
  19. Muse

    Has Your Significant Other Ever Smelled Like Beefaroni?

    Simple remedy Rob. Quit putting your fingers in her ass and your fingers will not smell like dinner. You're welcome.
  20. Muse

    Has Your Significant Other Ever Smelled Like Beefaroni?

    I've never noticed it. Maybe it's just you