Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

It doesn't feel depressing at all - cool in summer, warm in winter = comfortable all year and I usually crack a smile when I see what rents are everywhere else. Plus its Canada.

My place is practically free compared to units in a big city. The main reason I moved here was to take advantage of cheap rent.

Coolie how much you pay a month in rent pal?
With all the extra fees and crap it's almost $1400. I'm spoiled though, gotta have my year round pool and little balcony.
:thinking: I'd certainly rather live in a studio and gamble, than nice place and work for the man.
I figured the Canadian govt. would give you a comfortable retirement for all those years driving bus though.
yeah Steve, I remember when I was staying at In Town Suites many years ago. It was a furnished studio hotel type place.. Seemed like a nice place for those who couldn't rent for various reasons. (It is expensive being poor)
Went to the nudey bar across the street. I even bought a 40oz to put in my fridge. Felt like a true American
Lol here we go again with Town Suites and Vegas.

In the spirit of brutal honest I'll just say it.

Dude, my Mother is dying, very slowly and all of that. I'm unemployed and honestly full of hurt for every second of pain I ever put her through. Real shit. We won't expand on that because honestly I can't handle it. Moving on.

So, I'm not just going to say to my fucking Father, who did so much for so many people, "hey, I'm in Vegas now! Yay! And I'm good for this family!".

So I could go to Vegas, I have the money to do it but I would have to carry which would be illegal because of that outstanding shit.

Would I like to take a quick shot at a criminal? Better believe me, I would because of how much shit that have put me through.

It's a thinker, but I want to make my Father feel somewhat alright before he goes.
With all the extra fees and crap it's almost $1400. I'm spoiled though, gotta have my year round pool and little balcony.
:thinking: I'd certainly rather live in a studio and gamble, than nice place and work for the man.
I figured the Canadian govt. would give you a comfortable retirement for all those years driving bus though.
Pal all I gotta do is survive (literally) and I will be well taken care of financially, between Canadian pension(s) and inheiritance I don't think I'll have much to worry about $$ wise. I worked my last day ever back in 2014. I'm coasting the rest of the way.

The lifestyle suits me, nothing but free time for leisure and I have nothing to fear/worry about regarding housing or medical costs from now until they put me in the pine box.

My country has been very good to me. No other place on earth I'd prefer to be, its Canada or bust. I'm staying.
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Right and I apologize if I've been out of line at all Reno. Always appreciate your insight. Just thankful for you guys and Christina for getting me through this time. It's a little rough, but I do very much appreciate having reserves.

Plommer took a shot today.

Dude, nice life you fucking loser.


Always trying to save face here.

Let me know how that works out for you, fatass.

Can someone please remind me of why Plommer is banned from all forums?

Wait, let's put that on blast as well.
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So how does a guy like Plommer wake up and look in the mirror and not kill himself, knowing he'll never get laid again without paying for it, knowing how ugly he is and how many people he has ripped off and all the rest. Also, he has multi accounted on every forum. They caught him on that as well. He got as cold as he could. I get it. Always trying to save face for what a piece of shit you really are.

Nice life Plom.

Good luck with that you FUCKING loser.

You're a FUCKING SCAM ARTIST which there is no excuse for, you fucking loser.

Plom how about I buy you a beer?

Let's have some fun, scumbag.

But wait, you're just a pussy ass e-criminal.

Wait, I have your address, let's talk soon, champ.
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Plommer is actually very good at what he does/is.

Let's have some fun with him.

Some people think it's funny. I don't.


Plommer you will be out of business very soon and I don't give one fuck what anyone thinks.

The rest will be more fun.

You're a criminal and I'm not.

Good luck.
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My bad on clogging thread losing it on Plommer. Obviously that's what he wants because he knows I tell the exact 100% truth about him every time. Long term goal to get me banned and all that shit, like he is from everywhere else for being a what he is, so he'll always be taking stupid cheap shots to try to accomplish his goal to try to save face.

Broken record and shit.

God will send him to Hell when he dies lonely.

Moving on.
I again laughed.

We all know that's not what happens. What happens is, your feelings get hurt by being exposed as the ugly as fuck lardass scam artist creep (and very possibly a pedophile based on your appearance and the fact that you creep around in children's parks like a fucking weirdo) that you are, so you try to save face with the spineless e-tough guy cowardice garbage. But you're so stupid that your feelings get hurt when the people you scam don't like you. Again, wtf is that.

So we have a scumbag criminal that is committed to doing it, calls his victims weak, but hey his feelings get hurt so he must be a good guy.

Absolutely fucking pathetic :lmao:

What's on the agenda today, lardass? Posting more big cocks on Gamelive, looking for more people to steal from online, and creeping in more children's parks so you can stalk children and find dropped lunch money, you fucking creep?

Yep, just another day for this piece of shit.