Going to roomster that shit. Craigslist is ridiculous, so many fucking scammers.
Ok I have two live poker stories on why I'm hesitant to go back to it, both from Cleveland. Great room though, but you meet some weird fucks. Also, good luck finding a 9 handed game anymore with the Corona virus shit, and I am not a very good 6 handed player.
So I have an Amazon Fire for when I'm at the table. If it's idle for a bit it'll put up these ads for kids stuff. This one guy saw that and goes "what are you, a pedophile"? Wtf is that?
Then this other weird fuck. Shriveled up older Mexican guy. Creepy. Anyway so I'm friends with this cool guy and great player Jeff and so is he, so he decides we should be friends. I try, and he's sitting next to me I'm making my folds and he's like "would you play this?" then a few hands later "how about this"? Dude, what are you a fucking idiot? You don't put your range on blast at the table dumbass. So this creepy fuck follows me into the bathroom (no, he didn't go to the bathroom) and is all "why don't you like me?". I play it cool and am like dude I have no problem with you it's all good (a lie).
Then at the table he starts talking shit so I put him on blast and go "what the fuck are you doing following me into the bathroom, you creepy fuck?" Everyone is like what in the fuck, he gets humiliated and starts calling me names, etc. and I'm like dude just leave me the fuck alone man. Humiliating someone like that could get you hurt by someone like that, but I didn't see any other way to create space.
One more, this one chubby male dealer decided we were buddies so he starts doing shit like tickling me when he walks by and playing with my head phones while they're on my head saying "you shouldn't wear those, it's bad for action". Umm yeah I wear them to block out the anglers and pick up my energy, you dumb fuck, and why are you touching me?
Some of the hot female dealers will flirt you a little to get that extra tip. Of course it's fake since they're tryna get that money, but it's fun nevertheless.
I'm about to order some good headphones. Tron I think you might win this one buddy.