Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Alright, listened to it.

I'm here representing Canadians, I can express myself however I want. If I want to shout, if I want to call out the government for being unfair and complacent, I will do it right here, right now, you cunts. (She didn't say you cunts.) I'm sorry, but If I want to shout, if I want to tell the government that it is being inconsistent, that it held fraudulent elections, you have sabotaged our electoral system...

Then she gets cut off.
I was surprised how much of her speech I understood. My French is not as rusty as one might expect. She kept saying she's sorry BUT . .

Je suis desole MAIS . . .

And then she would launch into her hysterical point of the moment.

She didn't say anything about a faitout (Dutch Oven).
I don't know about Tabasco sauce.

I just watched the 60 Minutes feature on the McIlhenny family and their 5th generation tabasco business. It is clearly a very successful business. The proof is in the longevity of it. It's undeniable. And there was just a general smugness. No doubt was left that they are rolling in the dough.

I don't think I like tabasco sauce though. I like Frank's. I like Louisiana hot sauce. There have been a few miscellaneous hot sauces I have tasted that I have found okay. But I remember actively disliking tabasco.

But it has been a helluva long time. Decades. It might have been before I liked any hot sauce and maybe I would have felt the same about Frank's at the time.


I would have guessed tabasco was going the way of the dodo bird. Hot sauce seems to be becoming an increasingly crowded market. But tabasco seems to be doing okay. Maybe it doesn't suck as much as I remember.

I need to try tabasco sauce again.