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fuck insurance companies

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Only thing that will save America now is massive cuts to government spending, AND to raise taxes. Americans will have to pay much more taxes. I know Young Republicans do not want to hear that but it appears to be the only way out. I'd rather have that than China pulling a bank run on the US economy. Oh man that would be something.

Simple options here, either you pay more taxes or your grandchildren will probably have names such as Ming, Xui and Bruce.
Simple stats

US Federal debt was 44% of GDP during the great depression. It was 64% after Reagan era.

Maybe you like Reagan because you dislike unions, or air traffic controllers, or whatever. But all the guy did was spend, spend, spend.

Your numbers are not the same as the ones I looked up? Show me where you got them from? Unions once served their purpose but now are IMO infiltrated with leaders who are abusing their power for self gain.

Air traffic controllers, LOL, were making real good money and ....... gone. Didn't have any increase in air traffic problems either? Last union that tried that power play.

I'd rather have that than China pulling a bank run on the US economy.

Don't think so unless they have someone in mind to take their products? Reading the article most of it isn't from even their own countries companies. The Chinese government hate us so much that if they could have fuked us and gotten away with it, they would have done it by now.


Comes right from Xinhua News Agency in Beijing, the Freedom of Speech capital of the world. These people report to the gov of China.
You can almost predict (U.S.) policy by that simple principle: Does it help rich people or does it help the general population? And from that you can virtually deduce what's going to happen.

-Glenn Beck

nice :up:

I think I am starting to fall in love with you and your mullet. You are a package deal, right?

it's about time:kiss: :up:
Yes Reno, and the liberal side in-charge representatives a far more broader and larger in numbers contingent. They help transfer public resources to the poor for just waking up in the morning. That's right, they do leave the house on occasion to help organize protests and those people look at it as their job to hold signs all day. Very productive indeed. They should apply for this job?

I couldn't agree more. I realize that there are those in need that are using the money in the right way but I think the majority of people that are on the system are milking it.

Handouts are the last thing that many of these people need.

I'm glad to see that you admit the system is flawed. The only problem is that once a system is put into place, implementing change will require sacrifice for the betterment of all.

A few examples with regards to the ridiculous flaws in the United States health care industry:

1. When you think of drug addicts in the United States, which demographics comes to mind? Would you be surprised to learn that nearly 2 million senior citizens in this country are addicted to prescription drugs, with our very own health care system as the legal pusher?

The annual average number of prescription drugs per senior citizen is 38 with an average annual cost close to $3,000 per senior. Multiply that by the number of seniors (33.2 million recorded in 1994 census) and you have one hell of an expenditure on your hands . Physicians write prescriptions without batting an eye, failing to recognize the possible interactions with other meds and OTC drugs. This is a silent and costly epidemic which needs to be stopped immediately.

2. We live in a country that turns a blind eye to the indigent elderly and mentally ill. Even if they do not meet skilled nursing requirements, we sweep them into nursing homes because they don't have the means to pay for private care. Guess what? Nursing homes cost tax payers 3 times more per individual when they should be placed into home health or assisted living environments. Many states are starting to catch on to affordable housing for these individuals, but not fast enough.

3. To qualify for Medicaid, the gross income eligibility standard per individual is $2,022/month with $2,000 or less in liquid assets. That's fine and dandy, however there is a loophole in the system which allows individuals requiring long-term care to "protect" their assets by establishing an irrevocable trust. This is typically pursued by greedy family members who want to protect their inheritance. They do this by paying an elder law attorney to place the assets in a trust to remove them from Medicaid consideration as "available resources". MEANING...the financial responsibility of long-term care is now the burden of the tax payers while the greedy Power of Attorney and/or family member retains the assets.

And these are just three examples of gross mishandling of the current health care system by our inept government.

So Amby, what are your suggestions to cut costs and implement change into this very broken system?

See those problems that you highlighted above fairly easily without a Universal Healthcare system. The only problem is that we generally have some of the best healthcare in the world, having a Universal system would all but guarantee that we would be passed by many other countries in that category.

I also know that this brings up another issue in regard to the maths and sciences that....I do know that we are already falling behind in those areas badly and quickly. That is another issue that needs to be addressed though.
Simple stats

US Federal debt was 44% of GDP during the great depression. It was 64% after Reagan era.

Maybe you like Reagan because you dislike unions, or air traffic controllers, or whatever. But all the guy did was spend, spend, spend.

No to Unions...so unneeded in this day in age...this isn't 1950

modern day unions are a cancer
