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fuck insurance companies

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Mr. Monkey,
the only people who are looking for and receiving real handouts are the business criminals who at one time were effectively represented by the man in your picture.

Not cool reno! The guy spent his early life before being the gov of Cali going around the country and being with the regular guy/gal. Always will be thieves in society but at least everyone had a job and were motivated to do something productive. Your thinking of George W.
I thought he spent his early life being an actor.

Not too much difference between any of them actually. They are simply representatives of elite interests. Their only job is to help transfer public resources to the rich. Usually it involves being a war criminal too. Only president I'd give any respect to is FDR.
They are simply representatives of elite interests. Their only job is to help transfer public resources to the rich.

Yes Reno, and the liberal side in-charge representatives a far more broader and larger in numbers contingent. They help transfer public resources to the poor for just waking up in the morning. That's right, they do leave the house on occasion to help organize protests and those people look at it as their job to hold signs all day. Very productive indeed. They should apply for this job?

You're begrudging some mother a few food stamps or medical assistance while the bankers, contractors, various corporations are handed billions. And not to feed anybody, but primarily to wage wars, destroy the environment, indebt, enslave, and kill.
Can you see how your anger is misplaced?

btw. I'm not making a distinction between liberals or conservatives. There's only a slight difference between them.
Not anger at all but thinking rationally! Don't begrudge anyone assistance that is LEGIT. Yes, do you really qualify to get it? Wait, you just had twins so now you have 4 kids but no father in sight to support those 2 too? Hmmmn.......

Got an idea, yes we will give the poor little ones (sad isn't it this person is your mother) the needed financial support. But Ms J Doe, will require you get sterilized. Lady, Whaatttt!!!!! So once again you Ms J Doe you want something for nothing!
Yes, win, win for everyone. :greencheck:

Have to rake leaves but we can continue this later!
Hey, I am by no means saying that the current system is perfect but Universal Health Care is a way worse idea. We need changes....but it isn't just as easy as snapping our fingers and making it happen.

I'm glad to see that you admit the system is flawed. The only problem is that once a system is put into place, implementing change will require sacrifice for the betterment of all.

A few examples with regards to the ridiculous flaws in the United States health care industry:

1. When you think of drug addicts in the United States, which demographics comes to mind? Would you be surprised to learn that nearly 2 million senior citizens in this country are addicted to prescription drugs, with our very own health care system as the legal pusher?

The annual average number of prescription drugs per senior citizen is 38 with an average annual cost close to $3,000 per senior. Multiply that by the number of seniors (33.2 million recorded in 1994 census) and you have one hell of an expenditure on your hands . Physicians write prescriptions without batting an eye, failing to recognize the possible interactions with other meds and OTC drugs. This is a silent and costly epidemic which needs to be stopped immediately.

2. We live in a country that turns a blind eye to the indigent elderly and mentally ill. Even if they do not meet skilled nursing requirements, we sweep them into nursing homes because they don't have the means to pay for private care. Guess what? Nursing homes cost tax payers 3 times more per individual when they should be placed into home health or assisted living environments. Many states are starting to catch on to affordable housing for these individuals, but not fast enough.

3. To qualify for Medicaid, the gross income eligibility standard per individual is $2,022/month with $2,000 or less in liquid assets. That's fine and dandy, however there is a loophole in the system which allows individuals requiring long-term care to "protect" their assets by establishing an irrevocable trust. This is typically pursued by greedy family members who want to protect their inheritance. They do this by paying an elder law attorney to place the assets in a trust to remove them from Medicaid consideration as "available resources". MEANING...the financial responsibility of long-term care is now the burden of the tax payers while the greedy Power of Attorney and/or family member retains the assets.

And these are just three examples of gross mishandling of the current health care system by our inept government.

So Amby, what are your suggestions to cut costs and implement change into this very broken system?
You're begrudging some mother a few food stamps or medical assistance while the bankers, contractors, various corporations are handed billions. And not to feed anybody, but primarily to wage wars, destroy the environment, indebt, enslave, and kill.
Can you see how your anger is misplaced?

btw. I'm not making a distinction between liberals or conservatives. There's only a slight difference between them.

I think I am starting to fall in love with you and your mullet. You are a package deal, right?
I have to agree with Mr. Monkey on this one. I have first hand knowledge of this after working for five pediatric cardiologist for seven years. I have seen how some people have kids just as a means to an end. It is not that they love them because if you truly loved your child their welfare would come before your own.

Could someone answer me this question in todays world with so many forms of birth control why are there so many illegitimate children in this world.? My heart bleeds for these poor little kids not for the irresponsible parents who could give two shits for these kids. My husband and I would have liked to have had a second child but at the time we were not financially able. We did not want to bring a child into this world for our own selfish reasons. As a parent you want to give your child the best opportunity in life to become a happy productive person. To love a child is to feel for them and never want to see anything or anyone hurt them. I am sorry I am getting so emotional but as a parent it truly upsets me to see innocent children suffer for no fault of there own.

My final thought is society needs to be more responsible as a whole. People need to be held responsible for their actions and not use crutches and excuses in life. Because like the old saying goes excuses are like assholes everyone has one.
I have to agree with Mr. Monkey on this one.

Could someone answer me this question in todays world with so many forms of birth control why are there so many illegitimate children in this world.?

My final thought is society needs to be more responsible as a whole. People need to be held responsible for their actions and not use crutches and excuses in life. Because like the old saying goes excuses are like assholes everyone has one.

You didn't address the corporate welfare comment Reno made.

Typical response, you are so focused on the children and welfare moms you pay no attention to the corporations that get billions in aid from the US government.

Did you know that when the USA needs more money they just print more?

Your post illustrates how the masses think, they focus on the wrong topic.

I had similar discussions about the recent summit in Toronto where people were outraged that protesters did a few million dollars in damage but the government did billions of damage hosting the summit in a location they knew would be rife with problems.

Millions < Billions, but the outrage was about the vandalism that took place, NOT the atrocious amount the Canadian government wasted.

Fucked up? You bet.
I have to agree with Mr. Monkey on this one. I have first hand knowledge of this after working for five pediatric cardiologist for seven years. I have seen how some people have kids just as a means to an end. It is not that they love them because if you truly loved your child their welfare would come before your own.

Could someone answer me this question in todays world with so many forms of birth control why are there so many illegitimate children in this world.? My heart bleeds for these poor little kids not for the irresponsible parents who could give two shits for these kids. My husband and I would have liked to have had a second child but at the time we were not financially able. We did not want to bring a child into this world for our own selfish reasons. As a parent you want to give your child the best opportunity in life to become a happy productive person. To love a child is to feel for them and never want to see anything or anyone hurt them. I am sorry I am getting so emotional but as a parent it truly upsets me to see innocent children suffer for no fault of there own.

My final thought is society needs to be more responsible as a whole. People need to be held responsible for their actions and not use crutches and excuses in life. Because like the old saying goes excuses are like assholes everyone has one.

I have to agree with Mr. Monkey on this one. I have first hand knowledge of this after working for five pediatric cardiologist for seven years. I have seen how some people have kids just as a means to an end. It is not that they love them because if you truly loved your child their welfare would come before your own.

Could someone answer me this question in todays world with so many forms of birth control why are there so many illegitimate children in this world.? My heart bleeds for these poor little kids not for the irresponsible parents who could give two shits for these kids. My husband and I would have liked to have had a second child but at the time we were not financially able. We did not want to bring a child into this world for our own selfish reasons. As a parent you want to give your child the best opportunity in life to become a happy productive person. To love a child is to feel for them and never want to see anything or anyone hurt them. I am sorry I am getting so emotional but as a parent it truly upsets me to see innocent children suffer for no fault of there own.

My final thought is society needs to be more responsible as a whole. People need to be held responsible for their actions and not use crutches and excuses in life. Because like the old saying goes excuses are like assholes everyone has one.

Before I moved to Florida, I worked in Welfare Reform in the Work First program funded by TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Stress on the word "temporary" wasn't much of an urgency. I would see the same women over and over and over again. Work First became a job to most of them because job retention wasn't a priority. As long as the government provided food stamps, housing vouchers and financial assistance,they would keep playing the Work First game.

This is where accountability needs to come into play. There is certainly a need for social services however it should be a last resort option, not a way of life. We had a woman (who I will call Wilma) who we would see once every three months. The last time I saw her, she was pregnant with her 11th child....and she was addicted to crack. Wilma didn't have custody of any of her children. I can't say for certain, but knowing this woman, I'd take a wild stab in the dark and guess that all of her children were crack babies. She ended up going into labor 5 months early and lost the baby. No accountability for murdering her child. Thankfully, a non-profit organization offered her $5,000 to get her tubes tied, ending that vicious cycle.

But we need to take a step back and look at WHY people end up like Wilma. I'm sure she was a product of her environment (a fatherless child with a mother similar to what she grew up to become). While it's easy for us to point fingers and tell Wilma that she needs to be accountable for her actions, where were we when she was a child being raised in the environment which molded her into the person she eventually became?

Government needs to stop spending money on wars and foreign disasters and invest in it's own people. What we are doing now is not productive to the future of the country.

betpom, did I hit a nerve with my response?

MrsMonkey, it's very difficult for me to admit, but the majority of the world looks at our country as Betplom does. Most Americans are not bad people, we just have bad representation.
Simple stats

US Federal debt was 44% of GDP during the great depression. It was 64% after Reagan era.

Maybe you like Reagan because you dislike unions, or air traffic controllers, or whatever. But all the guy did was spend, spend, spend.