Hooligans Sportsbook

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I heard Hulk Hogan's interview this morning with the local sports station. He said: "Once he found out he made a bad choice he told her to take whatever she wants and live him alone and don't have contact with him so he can start over his life". That's why she took him to the cleaners but he didn't care. A man has to do what he got to do to get divorced quickly.
hulk hogan shoulda' thought about having spinal insertion surgery before he wussed out then. when ol' uncle bay buddy experienced his one and only divorce, things went his way just about as close to 100% as possible. first off, we weren't married very long so she never had access to all my assets. i walked out on a sunday morning after loading up what i wanted, leased an apartment that afternoon and was at the bank first thing monday morning to settle that part of things. she paid for all attorney fees. after our short court hearing, i left and went to the astrodome to watch nolan ryan pitch against the reds. astros won on a phil garner walk-off single in the ninth, i played hide the weenie with the gal who lived upstairs from me that night, and it was a fcukin' beautiful day overall.