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why is it...

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Is it for street cred or something? Cause I don't understand why people (Hi Robbie!!) feel like acting like an asshole will make them fit in.

child, as you know, i have dealt with a lot of these folks. i believe bread said this a while back, mentioning the large percentage of alpha males who wind up on these message boards. that could be the case, but i think it has more to do with just a large number of people who simply have no real life off the internet. a lot of people only seem to communicate through electronic devices nowadays, be that posting on a message board or texting or twittering, etc. they lose touch with what used to be called 'reality' or face to face communication. i guess it's possible to lead a happy life like that, but so many of the people are not leading happy lives. i won't mention specific posting handles, sure you can think of many that are also quick to my mind.

i liken it to being in your car, driving down the road and someone cuts you off or is dangerously weaving in and out of traffic. the reaction for a lot of people, myself included at times, is to holler something derogatory about that driver, whether we actually say it out loud or just think it. there is this sense of protection being inside our cars, that we aren't really identifiable, very anonymous. if we're walking down a sidewalk, and someone bumps into you or 'cuts you off' on the sidewalk while talking on their cell phone, we might give them a dirty look, but rarely do we shout, "you fuckin' motherfucker fuck piece of fuck" at them.

all i know is that i'm very thankful that i don't lead such a sad life as some of these people.
i liken it to being in your car, driving down the road and someone cuts you off or is dangerously weaving in and out of traffic. the reaction for a lot of people, myself included at times, is to holler something derogatory about that driver, whether we actually say it out loud or just think it. there is this sense of protection being inside our cars, that we aren't really identifiable, very anonymous. if we're walking down a sidewalk, and someone bumps into you or 'cuts you off' on the sidewalk while talking on their cell phone, we might give them a dirty look, but rarely do we shout, "you fuckin' motherfucker fuck piece of fuck" at them.



BB, your daughter says her potato soup is one of her specialities! Might want to get the recipe and add it to your Soup Kitchen menu!

the recipe for the greatest baked potato soup was leaked pre-internet days, and it's the one i've used for 20+ years. came from the old butera's deli in houston and was first posted in one of the old houston newspapers.

that when new people start posting on a forum, they feel the need to attack members who have been around awhile? I had noticed this at SBR and always wondered why. And it's the same here. It is usually men. Is it for street cred or something? Cause I don't understand why people (Hi Robbie!!) feel like acting like an asshole will make them fit in.

K, maybe I could explain my point of view on the situation. I only read the first few posts of this thread
and will continue when I am done. Most likely you are right when you mention I have no clue what is going on. After seeing stuff I came to the conclusion things weren't
like they once were. I saw B posting normally and random posts about where are you R and such. I took an educated guess and figured there was a situation with B and R. The catalyst for my thread that ruffled your feathers, mother goose, was times must be trying for B
and you (not you mother goose, rather the majority of male posters) should be supportive and not make such threads as it only puts salt on fresh wounds. If Wal and his significant other were in the same boat, do you think he would like seeing the community asking where are you Ms. Wal? No. I'm sure I missed some of the facts. I didn't attack anyone.

BTW, I don't feel the need to fit in, get virtual blow jobs from the gl crew, etc. I don't give one flying f if anyone likes me or not.

P.S. I once took a classmates birthday card in 10th grade. It had $20 in it. Go call the magistrate.
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Rob, the thread I directed at Robyn was an attempt at humor. Looking back on it it was a failed attempt. I didn't intend it the way you described here as salt in a wound but it could easily be taken as such. Regardless of how it was intended or how it could be interpreted I regretted it after posting it. I could have deleted it but elected not too do so because one should take ownership of their actions.

Don't think unjustly of Nina. She only means well and even if your Mother Goose comparison is sarcastic there is a hint of truth in it so much as Nina like others here defend the nest against outsiders.

As for Robyn and Bread while it really is no-ones business but their own. I'm sure everyone here, myself included wishes whatever has happened could be reversed and things could work out. They are GameLive and together or apart always will be.