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Who will be the first one to get the virus?

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Who will get it first?

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BTW to any social-distancing doubters out there - do you think the NBA, NHL and other sports leagues suspended operations out of the goodness of their heart? Do you really think billionaire team owners are concerned about public health? They made a business decision, as usual.

They were faced with two options: 1) suspend now and try to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible, or 2) act as a major vector of infection and potentially have to suspend operations for a year or more later down the road.

These people care about your health insofar as they need to extract as much money as possible from you.

I'm guessing they were told by someone way more important than them to do so. Why? Not sure, but I'm guessing some important people are aware what widespread panic/disturbance can accomplish and decided it's to their benefit to encourage it.

So I was completely out of commission with a flu from Friday the 6th through Wednesday the 11th. I still have the dry cough.

Never had shortness of breath, but had the other 8 of the 9 top symptoms.

Certainly a non-zero chance I had coronavirus and not regular flu. Wasn't tested for either so will never know I guess.
VD and Boner! :light:
Hey look MrsM had some flu twice this year before the start of 2020! One seem to last an entire month with varying systems not all hitting at onceI I had it for say a week but never one to not go to work. You know how it starts with that first 24 hours really sore throat, well I got that sore throat the 2nd time and was like oh s***, within 24 hours was back to normal, no nothing!

My guess like I stated before there is lots of flu variations out there that are hitting people! The worst normal flu season I can recall and unfortunately COVID-19 has come with it! Of course take SERIOUS precautions but it appears too many are losing their minds over it!
And 90% of the active cases are MILD! Bottom line is it's "flu", a BAD one indeed but just a flu just like the swine flu 10 years!
It's now at 93% of the cases are mild. Of course the recovered cases has gone below the 50% number that it was when I posted the above but I believe it will gone down further since once tested I believe many more will have it but time is all that is needed! Didn't have it but looked up that 60 million Americans had the swine flu meaning 1 in 5 persons! Wow!

PS Maybe I did have it? :dunno:
Okay, the transmission rate is high! So many more people will get it! Hopefully none of us here are in the 7% category! I agree completely with Tron posting about the death rate will be WAY lower than some are thinking! Flu usually tones down during the summer months. Who says COVID-19 is gone by summer's end that it doesn't reappear next winter? Vaccine ..... ASAP!
That was over several months.

The issue is the transmission rate! FFS, why is that so hard for some of you to understand?

I want my NHL playoffs ASAP! Stay home!

I understand they/you are saying it will overwhelm the system. Not sure there's any evidence of this. What's overwhelming the system so far is panic. If every idiot with a cough is trying to get tested and buying up all supplies from stores, that's the bigger problem
Not to mention all the poor people who rely on their stupid jobs/tips to make rent. What they gonna if their job is closed? Again, a more serious problem.
Hey god forbid you have a 1 in thousand chance of dying from virus. But a 50% chance of being broke/homeless and having your life ruined, not a problem.
I'm standing by my vote of me. Every day at work we got 150+ employees. That's not counting second shift.

For some reason we are keeping our Customer Pick-up Department open so that's a few hundred more random people wandering in off the street and interacting with our people every day.

And then for some reason we keep having people shuttling between branches - each of those branches having hundreds and hundreds of employees - plus Customer Pick-up Depts.

I vote me.