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Who will be the first one to get the virus?

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Who will get it first?

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Mr.M, I agree, panic is almost never justified. We are so used to media overhyping every fucking thing anyway, that it's hard to take them seriously. How are they NOT gonna keep harping on something if it suckers in people? Justified or not. We saw the whole Russiagate fiasco, lets start calling it Coronagate
Mr.M, I agree, panic is almost never justified. We are so used to media overhyping every fucking thing anyway, that it's hard to take them seriously. How are they NOT gonna keep harping on something if it suckers in people? Justified or not. We saw the whole Russiagate fiasco, lets start calling it Coronagate

This is the biggest problem.

Jon Stewart said it really well a few years back... the 24-hour news cycle is perfect for something like 9/11. But the vast majority of the time, there isn't something newsworthy enough to fill all of those hours, so the media elevates EVERYTHING into a full-blown controversy or mega-story or whatever.

So of course they've earned the distrust of the people. And when something that actually is serious comes along they don't have anywhere to go since they are always at a 10 all fucking year long.

...still, just because the media sucks and people suck, that doesn't mean that real stories and real issues can't arise. Yes, most of the coverage of this thing is shameful... these news companies after all make their $$$ from advertising, and ads sell due to ratings, and ratings come from sensationalism and bullshit. But that doesn't mean that because news stations are irresponsible or making things sound worse than they actually are that the root issue can't still actually be really bad.

This is a global pandemic. Yes, mortality rates are relatively low, but even 2-5% of say 1 billion people worldwide would be 20-50 million dead. And this isn't even taking into account how many more people could be affected/killed by hospitals and resources being overrun, the virus mutating, etc etc. The fact that the media sucks isn't a good reason to write this off as a joke. Precautions now being taken are a late reaction to something already spreading, not overreactions to unwarranted panic.

I was right there with the naysayers two weeks ago, "whatever this is no big deal fuck the media"... but things are getting worse, not better. I'm fine admitting I was wrong and trying to be part of the solution now. Let's be safe, not stubborn folks.
so it's spreading faster than the flu? How fast does flu spread?


There’s another way that Covid-19 is a tougher adversary than the seasonal flu: Its R0 (“R nought”) is over 2, indicating that it’s more contagious than the typical flu. R0 estimates the number of people an average infected person spreads the disease to. “R0 is important because if it’s greater than 1, the infection will probably keep spreading, and if it’s less than 1, the outbreak will likely peter out,” the Atlantic’s Ed Yong explains. Covid-19’s R0 is substantially higher than 1, giving more reason for concern.

Why canceling events and self-quarantining is so important


Aside from any practical concerns, I feel like people enjoy working each other or themselves into a panic. It's like it gives them something to focus on aside from their mundane lives.
Kinda like why is there so many pointless made up murder tv shows/movies? I never understood how grown ups can be entertained by that.
You'd think that since the markets and all that crap is based on perception there would be a real danger to them simply from panic. :thinking: maybe this is some ploy by elites to reposition things and fuck the people
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There’s another way that Covid-19 is a tougher adversary than the seasonal flu: Its R0 (“R nought”) is over 2, indicating that it’s more contagious than the typical flu. R0 estimates the number of people an average infected person spreads the disease to. “R0 is important because if it’s greater than 1, the infection will probably keep spreading, and if it’s less than 1, the outbreak will likely peter out,” the Atlantic’s Ed Yong explains. Covid-19’s R0 is substantially higher than 1, giving more reason for concern.

Why canceling events and self-quarantining is so important

View attachment 3052

Why didn’t the entire world shut down for 30 days for Zika?

Also, are there supposed to be no numbers on the 2nd chart you posted?
I don't know the numbers for Zika but the difference is most likely in the transmission rate.

The second graph is probably just meant to illustrate the concept.

Here's a disturbing example of society grinding to a halt because of this shit... this Italian guy's sister died from the bug and he can't find a funeral home that will take her:

I just don't know how people can read about what's happening in Italy and still think this is some kind of joke that is no big deal.

We still haven't even seen the beginning of it either. You think China having its supply chain shut down isn't going to have massive effects on us when our reserves on things like drugs and supplies that we rely heavily on China for get low?

Yes, the media and general public will always panic and make things worse than they actually are, but they are still bad and have the potential to get a lot worse.
I think, in this case, the media is not telling the right story and it's not instilling the right kind of fear. Most people out there are dumbfounded by what's happening, especially those already living a mostly-secluded lifestyle, including large swathes of the rural and semi-rural population.

We're about 2-3 weeks behind Europe in this mess. France and Spain are now in full lockdown. It's coming here very soon.

This isn't really about a virus, it's about a giant wrench that's being thrown in the finely-tuned machine that is modern society.
BTW to any social-distancing doubters out there - do you think the NBA, NHL and other sports leagues suspended operations out of the goodness of their heart? Do you really think billionaire team owners are concerned about public health? They made a business decision, as usual.

They were faced with two options: 1) suspend now and try to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible, or 2) act as a major vector of infection and potentially have to suspend operations for a year or more later down the road.

These people care about your health insofar as they need to extract as much money as possible from you.