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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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I say fuck the election

put both candidates on their tour buses. they start somewhere up in Maine and they take a trip all the way through the US touching all 48 lower states, the candidates can have a caravan of 100 of their supporters in vehicles. Whichever candidate makes it all the way to end on the west coast first and alive, wins the presidency.

Let's see how each President's supporters are willing to fight for their guy and against the other as the Bus comes through their area.
Dave, media has thoroughly descreditid itself with the constant russiagate nonsense, becoming nothing more than the hateful right hand of the CIA. I've never seen a more hostile media towards a President. It's easy to tell by the verbiage alone, that they have no interest in reporting, but are constantly making value judgements. They deserve to be berated much more than Trump has done.
The bigger concern for me is that the Democrats have crazily become the party of war and belligerence. They are constantly rebuking Trump for trying to have decent relationships with foreign leaders :wah: "cuddling dictators".
And of course the use of coronavirus, riots, or whatever else, to reshape society to the detremant of humanity, and the benefit of elites.
I for one welcome the Biden win. And after he's taken the Whitehouse ill be joyed to see all the socially liberal armchair do gooders out volunteering for their causes since they'll have hours each week when they're not neck deep in political soap opera/hate media.
Boner, they will have more time to spend in Bohemian Grove to pray to an owl and have orgies.
Hugh late money coming in on Joe.

He's got this.

I recall trump being at over +1000 for betting live even after the polls had closed on the east coast in 2016

i'm not putting too much stock into betting odds or polls

here are some real numbers from Florida.... just registered voter turn out, not actual votes...but trumpers are coming out HUGH today