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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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MrM, the dems who live there apparently like it in Texas.

Just like the Republicans who live there apparently like it in California.

The original point was, if California is the horrific hellscape the media makes it out to be, WHY do so many R's live there?

Your counterpoint doesn't prove anything, as I'm assuming you don't blindly hate Texas like you do California? Nor does anyone else here.
LOL first you can't even include in your answer unlike FLA, yes Texas isn't a swing state. Same condition Arch posted as Cali. The liberal media likes Texas? Really! More dislike with SB 8 being signed into law. Only Fox News puts down Cali and what's that, 10% of the media and the rest is liberal. I guess we both proved nothing! :peace:
I’ve been to different parts of Cali over the years. Dated a girl from Encino.

Were parts of it beautiful? Hell yes. Were the people overall annoying? Totally. Were things overpriced? You betcha.

Politics aside, I feel it comes down to what you’re willing to spend more for in regards to your day to day lifestyle. I can’t imagine a Republican hating California strictly on the politics. If anybody chooses where they live strictly on what color state it is, I’d consider that a pretty shitty way to live.

Whomever is in office only affects our lives so much. It’s really up to the individual to decide how they want to live, regardless the state.
Every single state has strengths and weaknesses. Yet you cherry pick based on politics. If a red state had California's GDP, you'd be impressed, but because it's a blue state, you can't respect it
My bad not believing how important Cali's 5th highest economy in the world coming from the GL leader of HATE everything TRUMP! Just thought wow, such a great economy why it appears so many financial issues? And I'm not just getting this from Fox News lol. Though enough states I surmise also have them.

Said I wanted to look into stuff and never did, getting sidetracked and SHOULD HAVE WENT RIGHT TO IT and maybe all the back and forth wouldn't have occurred. So indeed Cali has a big economy.

Below is what I looked up. So size of state's economy correlates to the population. So no doubt Calif does have the best economy of the US. Good ones also with the next four most populous in Texas (9th) NY (12th) and FLA (19th). Though going by these numbers if Tex or FLA's population was at Cali's, it wouldn't be as high.
states vs world biggest economies gdp

Looking at different articles seems to be states go back and forth with surplus/deficits. Cali right now has deficit but couple years ago had a large surplus. Here's something from I guess revised Newsom budget.
ooh I want to play also

Here is that top 20 economies list by population size in millions next to it

New York 19
Florida 22
Australia 26
Texas 30
Canada 38
California 39
Spain 47
South Korea 51
Italy 58
United Kingdom 66
France 67
Germany 83
Japan 125
Mexico 127
Russia 144
Brazil 215
Indonesia 275
United States 333
China 1412
India 1417

new york being the 12th with least amount of people is very impressive, of course because of the financial services industry

australia is also very impressive when taking into account how much their population is concentrated in so few pockets and the rest of the country is big o nothing empty land

the whole nafta bloc surpasses the 30 trillion mark per motherfukin year

when the trump admin kicks me out in a year I'll probably go to indonesia, it's the only country in asia that interest me, that'll be my next bet

oh and california is awesome and if you ain't down with that I got two words for ya
when the trump admin kicks me out in a year I'll probably go to indonesia, it's the only country in asia that interest me, that'll be my next bet

oh and california is awesome and if you ain't down with that I got two words for ya
So you're not legally here?

And believe or not if I had plenty of money we might want to live in CA. ..... IIMO possibly comparison becoming a ritzy neighborhood in any US city/town that you have to dough to reside. Maybe some conservative leaners want to go, but financial has to be the main reason.
RJ I thought the same thing re: NY and wanted to see a break down by county. I'm sure is 50% new york/Manhattan.
You'll be surprised; I was. This is from the year 2020.

  • GDP of New York State: $1.86 trillion
  • GDP from New York City (five boroughs): $1.8

Approximately 96.77% of New York State's GDP comes from the five counties that make up New York City. So around $60 billion for rural and other mid-tier cities.