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Chicago Tribune Editor: It's true, we censor black crime.

Photo: Gerould W. Kern, from ChicagoTribune.com

Editors for the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and now the Chicago Tribune have all issued public statements admitting to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons.

Chicago Tribune editor Gerould Kern stated that the paper conceals and downplays black crime so as to “guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion.” In other words, the paper deliberately attempts to keep white people in the dark about rampant black on white crime. This of course puts members of the public in increased danger of being a victim of a crime. Leftists like Kern believe that protecting the diversity fantasy is more important than informing the public about crime. The statement by Kern is very similar to recent statements by editors of the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times.

From Chicago Tribune…

This week the Chicago Tribune published several news stories and related columns about assaults by groups of youths in the Streeterville area of downtown Chicago. More coverage appears Sunday.

A number of readers have asked why we have not included racial descriptions of the assailants and the victims in these incidents.

We take these matters seriously and reach decisions about them after careful consideration. This is a good opportunity to explain our approach to issues like these.

We do not reference race unless it is a fact that is central to telling the story.

By all indication, these attacks were motivated by theft, not race. Further, there is no evidence to suggest that the victims were singled out because of their race. Therefore we did not include racial descriptions in our initial news reports. [It is extremely unlikely that Kern actually believes what he wrote here. An all black mob goes on a rampage and attacks only white victims in a city that is less than 30% white. Kern is being transparently disingenuous. ]

There are circumstances when race may be relevant, such as describing a criminal suspect being sought by police. But this description must be accompanied by other detailed information, such as height, weight, scars, clothing, etc. By adhering to this practice, we guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion because of the color of their skin.

Click on all these Mexicans.

They are all classified as white..

All crime committed by Latinos get put in the white category when the FBI analyzes crime stats.

Even illegal immigrants who can't even smile in English.

Its an attempt to lessen the gap in the numbers of murder, shootings and assaults between the evil white man and our African American brothers.
housepicks thanks for linking to a bullshit article that puts words into the Chicago Tribune editor's mouth.


topconservativenews :biglaugh:

The words cut through the political talk around from editor...The interpretation is the endline...The translation. If you want to take the editiors words at face value....or my interpretation...put your head in the sand...I don't care.

If the use of a picture of Trayvon when he was 8 years old don't tell you anything...or the admitted cutting of the 911 tapes don't tell you anything then you don't see what you don't want to.
6 of those 10 are not latinos.

Plus I'm pretty sure that "White (Hispanic)" is compiled separately. I did some work for survey firm Ipsos in the past and I remember that it was distinct.

Of course they are not all Latino in the top 10. Never said otherwise.

White Hispanic is not complied separately....period...end of story...survey firm Ipsos is not the agency that complies crime data in the U.S.
FBI will acknowledge Latinos in their crime data statistics this year as part of the agency's new directive to track arrests by ethnic backgrounds for the first time in more than 25 years.

Until now, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had no idea how many Latinos – a multiracial ethnic group - were arrested and for what types of crimes because it had previously only tabulated crime statistics, from 18,000 agencies around the country, using race: Caucasian, African American, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Native Americans or Alaska Natives.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. The picture I remember most is that of a teenage bum in a hoodie. Not an especially flattering photo, pretty neutral.


WHen the story broke...this was the picture used by every media outlet.
FBI will acknowledge Latinos in their crime data statistics this year as part of the agency's new directive to track arrests by ethnic backgrounds for the first time in more than 25 years.

Until now, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had no idea how many Latinos – a multiracial ethnic group - were arrested and for what types of crimes because it had previously only tabulated crime statistics, from 18,000 agencies around the country, using race: Caucasian, African American, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Native Americans or Alaska Natives.

That's cool.
LA Times

The LA Times was the first newspaper I ever noticed openly admitting to racial censorship. This was back in 2007. The paper made an online database of homicides. They offered a sort of apology for including the races of the perpetrators. They stated that it was normally their policy to censor this information.

On June 6, 2007 the LA Times made this official statement. “Racial information was once routinely included in news stories about crimes, but in recent decades, newspapers and other media outlets stopped mentioning suspects’ or victims’ race or ethnicity because of public criticism. Newspapers came to embrace the idea that such information is irrelevant to the reporting of crimes, and may unfairly stigmatize racial groups.”

By “public criticism,” they are referring to bullying by radical racial groups like the NAACP.

New York Times

Philip Corbett, associate managing editor of the New York Times recently confessed to censoring black crime.

Last March, 18 black males aged 16-27 were arrested for allegedly gang raping an 11 year old Mexican girl in Cleveland, Texas. The radical New Black Panther Party actually held a rally at an all black church demanding the release of the perpetrators. Over one hundred local blacks attended the rally.

The New York Times ran an article that critics say blamed the victim and her family. It also expressed shock that members of the public were supported the accused perps.

However the Times completely censored the fact that the perpetrators are black. The newspapers also portrayed those who were supporting the perps as “Texans.”

There was a backlash against the New York Times for their insulting coverage.

The New York Times published a follow-up admitting their first piece “lacked balance.”

Philip Corbett, however, defending censoring the race of the perpetrators. He said that mentioning the race of a crime perpetrator does “not really providing any useful information and it could be sort of boiler plate.”

By “boiler plate,” Corbett means that it would be politically incorrect to inform the public the truth about crime in America. He feels that political correctness is more important than public safety.
The TV Show COPS

John Langley, creator and producer of the TV show COPS bragged to conservative columnist Ben Shapiro that he censors black crime.

Langley states “What irritates me sometime is critics still watch something and say ‘oh look they misrepresent people of color.’ That’s absolutely not true. Au contraire. I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons it’s 60-something percent people of color, and 30-something percent of white people. If you look at COPS it’s 60 percent white and 40 percent, it’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I don’t want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”

Langley boldly admits to censoring black crime for political reasons.