Hooligans Sportsbook

What's the most effective self-defense move I could use?

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Bread: I think we have walked far enough....we should turn around now.....

Blitty: Why?

Bread: Um....we should just go now.

Blitty: I don't get it..lets walk down another block or two.

Bread: That is not a good idea. We aren't supposed to be here.

Blitty: Why not? Looks nice enough...

Bread: Look around...do I really have to spell it out to you ? Do I really have to say it out loud?

Annnnd we retreat in the other direction...

I'm assuming concealed carry is out of the question. What are the laws there for pocket knives?

Yeah, knives are against the law too. Bloody everything is here although I'm going to try to figure out a way to get that doohickey Robyn suggested into the country somehow.

A friend has agreed to come over and practice that wrestling move with me on Wednesday so hopefully I can manage to figure that out too. I also have a dog but she's a 1 1/2yr old Lab and although she growls when strangers come to the door, I don't want to have to rely on her to suddenly go all Cujo style on my behalf.

This tosser that I'm worried about has managed to nail me in the head once before and he completely caught me off guard. Now that his AVO expired at the beginning of this month, he's been yapping about coming after me again and I want to make sure I'm somewhat ready this time. Worst feeling in the world to be caught unprepared.
house or apartment?


I was just talking to a friend about this and he keeps insisting a person's 'instinct' kicks in when they're in trouble and I just dropped the ball last time. But I don't feel too comfortable banking on it to miraculously appear if I need it to again.

This is one of the few downsides of not living with a man. :(
Get a couple of surveillance cameras and have them recording all the time. Bars the windows up and put extra lock on the doors or even change them if they are the weak kind. Get your self an alarm system that auto dials the cops. Spread a couple of phones around the house.
guns are illegal is Australia????

if not get a carry/conceal permit and buy a pistol and learn how to use it. they even make some with pink grips on them
if your scared of guns get one of those battons that slide into themselves. there only about 6" long when retracted. you sling it out and it becomes a 3' whooppin stick.
Does anyone know the one thing I can do that has the best chance of dropping a guy quickly?

I've been to self-defense classes before but I honestly can't remember half the shit I learned and although I've been looking online for 2 days, I seem to keep running into conflicting advice.

A couple that keep popping up are to try to gauge their eyes and a flat punch to the solar plexus (but what if I miss it??). Apparently a kick to the balls isn't that great because a guy could get a surge of adrenalin and actually get more fired up after that. Not ideal.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I just need one move.

They might get a surge of adrenalin by a near miss but direct contact and we are momentarily useless and at your mercy.

Shari, I could help advise you much better if I knew what I was working with. Maybe if I had a picture of you I could then design a complete self defense stategy suited specifically for you.
No guns, knives, or even mace, well that takes out allot of good things that will keep you healthy in a situation of being attacked. Might I suggest having a meat head boyfriend, or girlfriend. Aside from that, if you can punch 'em in the neck and put a hurting on the adams apple, or a good poke in the eyes with your keys to your house.
Yeah, knives are against the law too. Bloody everything is here although I'm going to try to figure out a way to get that doohickey Robyn suggested into the country somehow.

A friend has agreed to come over and practice that wrestling move with me on Wednesday so hopefully I can manage to figure that out too. I also have a dog but she's a 1 1/2yr old Lab and although she growls when strangers come to the door, I don't want to have to rely on her to suddenly go all Cujo style on my behalf.

This tosser that I'm worried about has managed to nail me in the head once before and he completely caught me off guard. Now that his AVO expired at the beginning of this month, he's been yapping about coming after me again and I want to make sure I'm somewhat ready this time. Worst feeling in the world to be caught unprepared.

So you think if this takes place it will be at your HOME? Shari, I think we were all going by things you can throw in your purse. Do you have a baseball bat? Crack a skull open or take out a kneecap. About the knives, even folding pocket knives are illegal? Like Swiss Army, which can have many uses. The corkscrew would leave a nasty gash on someone's forehead. If you can carry a small knife, make sure the blade locks in place.

I'm not advocating violence, hope you don't end up in another physical confrontation with this "tosser". Be safe!
