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what would you do?

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He's your son, and you should do what you think is best. But since you asked for opinions:

Just because it "could happen anywhere/in a freak accident" doesn't mean you should knowingly engage in high-risk activity.

You aren't being asked to "keep him out of sports", you are being asked to keep him out of high-contact sports. Advice you probably shouldn't take lightly.

This doctor clearly doesn't think it is a good idea, even with a flap jacket. Maybe you should go to another doctor and get a second opinion?

Personally, I'd keep him out of high-risk sports until he was old enough to understand the risks, maybe in his teens. Then I could have a talk with him and let him decide for himself. But sometimes you have to play the unpopular role if it means doing what's best for him.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I would listen to the doctor. I mean, he's got a medical degree and most likely is acting in your sons best interest. If you are suspect get a second opinion. Otherwise, its a great opportunity to teach your kid the 'ole "lifes not fair" lesson (and perhaps the "lemons/lemonade" one if he chooses to dominate some girly sport).
I think you need to really think deeply about why you so badly WANT to have him participate in risky activities at a young age...

is it just because he will see his brother play and he won't be able to????? I mean kids have to NOT DO, things all the time. They are pretty experienced at dealing with being told they can't do something...... and I mean its life.... it can be unfair

I think the Danger would be if he senses that YOU WANT HIM TO PLAY, not just for him.... but for you.... as we men typically do with our kids....

I'm sure you are his idol at this point..along with his older brother.... so I mean that influence can be huge.

I'd try to introduce him to as much "non-contact" stuff and ere on the side of caution

if he wants to play when he is 15,16,17... ok... Football will be there its not going anywhere...
He's your son, and you should do what you think is best. But since you asked for opinions:

Just because it "could happen anywhere/in a freak accident" doesn't mean you should knowingly engage in high-risk activity.

You aren't being asked to "keep him out of sports", you are being asked to keep him out of high-contact sports. Advice you probably shouldn't take lightly.

This doctor clearly doesn't think it is a good idea, even with a flap jacket. Maybe you should go to another doctor and get a second opinion?

Personally, I'd keep him out of high-risk sports until he was old enough to understand the risks, maybe in his teens. Then I could have a talk with him and let him decide for himself. But sometimes you have to play the unpopular role if it means doing what's best for him.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

there are no other specialist here. his doc flys in from Augusta, GA every 4 months for appts.

IMO the risk are greater the older the age groups... kids get alot more physical in high school then pee wee league
I think you need to really think deeply about why you so badly WANT to have him participate in risky activities at a young age...

is it just because he will see his brother play and he won't be able to????? I mean kids have to NOT DO, things all the time. They are pretty experienced at dealing with being told they can't do something...... and I mean its life.... it can be unfair

I think the Danger would be if he senses that YOU WANT HIM TO PLAY, not just for him.... but for you.... as we men typically do with our kids....

I'm sure you are his idol at this point..along with his older brother.... so I mean that influence can be huge.

I'd try to introduce him to as much "non-contact" stuff and ere on the side of caution

if he wants to play when he is 15,16,17... ok... Football will be there its not going anywhere...

right on point Archie... the selfishness in me doesnt want him not playing...
hell, he threw a 20MPH fastball on a fast pitch machine a few weeks ago at 4 yrs old.
kids that were 10-12 were throwing 40.
its that deep seated gene in a dad that wants to watch their kids excel in sports.
baseball... what about getting beamed with a pitch, seems more likely than any other sport

a flak jacket would certainly help, but football is still a very physical contact sport. to get beaned in the kidneys in baseball would be fairly rare in my opinion, and at least until he reaches the high school level he's going to be facing pitching that tops out at 80 mph, and a flak jacket could certainly help that. i'd say he stood a better chance of colliding with a teammate going for a pop-up than getting beaned in the kidney from a pitch.
I'd definitely have him play baseball if he likes it...

I mean every year kids die from getting hit in the chest/heart with balls, people have died from getting hit in the head with balls or bats....

hell spectators die...

it would take a freak freak accident for him to hurt himself in baseball.... basically the same tiny tiny small risk that ALL players take.

Life is dangerous and shit happens.

I do feel your anguish in this decision though. I keep going back in forth in my head and heart just in my hypothetical shoes...

good luck man...

Can he play tennis? Or maybe become a track and field athlete. These are fun activities for a kid. If I had a boy I wouldn't let him play football. It's too violent.
its channeled aggression Pavy... a beautiful thing.
been great for my oldest since he has anger issues and can channel that anger towards an unsuspecting ball carrier
So basically what this thread seems to boil down to is that football is superior to all other sports, and you want your son to play football.

I can appreciate that. But I think you know, your personal desires aside, that it isn't a good idea.
So basically what this thread seems to boil down to is that football is superior to all other sports, and you want your son to play football.

I can appreciate that. But I think you know, your personal desires aside, that it isn't a good idea.

not that football is superior...
the contradiction of baseball being ok but other sports not.
I dont argue I love football and would like him to play....

but theres just as much chance of freak accidents in other sports, and also everyday living