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This is the last summer of my 30's, boys

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If you don't get wishing away huge chunks of your life in the form of wishing away the time you are at your job, consider yourself lucky. Also consider yourself some kind of alien from outer space because it is such a common and well-known part of the human condition that if you are just considering it for the first time, it is hard to imagine you are from around here.

I started a thread about it not long ago asking the question if people are wishing away their lives in that context. I'm pretty sure more than half said yes. Hang on, I'll check . . .

Well here it is if anyone is interested:


That's what people do. There is no choice.

At this point in this discussions someone will usually say, "Hey why don't you get a job you love?" Sure, and while we're at it, why don't we all marry super-models who are also brilliant literary scholars? Why the hell not?

Not that any of this has much to do with the aging discussion.

Anyway, thanks for the advice about possibilities for the rest of my life. I am already doing things. I have a big musical project and also some other writing I will probably try once I have more time when my hours at my job are cut. I am lucky - I do have ideas and abilities to build on. Most people just accept the drudgery.
Also I must make a semantical point about the phrase "fear of aging." Maybe there are people who have a fear of aging. Speaking for myself (and quite a few others I believe) it is not about fear. It is about appropriate reactions to the very concrete things that have happened as a result of aging.

My knee has been sore this week and I have been limping and I have no idea why. I don't even have some minor occurrence to look back on and think, Hmm, maybe I twisted something there. No I have no idea whatsoever. But I am limping and it is sore enough to expect that I will be for some time. Things like that never used to happen to me. I had a similar thing with a finger not long ago. And then there's my left shoulder, and my eyesight. And let's throw in a bit of constipation for good measure.

I never used to deal with any of that.

And my brain - my dear beautiful, beloved shiny brain - I can't recall things as readily as I could before - which sucks that if/when I get on Jeopardy, I won't be at my prime - and I can't retain important job stuff like I once could which regularly leaves me looking like a boob.

To say it sucks is a very appropriate reaction IMO.
I would rather be broke and homeless doing something that I enjoy than working a job that I hate and wishing away my life. I suppose that's why I don't get it. I know the feeling from school, but I've never actually had it happen to me in my adult life since I've had choices.

I think it's really depressing that all that you see is misery in aging. Without any positive outlook whatsoever, I don't see how you couldn't call it a fear.
I dunno bout all this negativity.

I am gonna be 43 years old this August. I have had the same trade since I was 16 basically on a few different levels. I still find for the most part life is great!!! In the last 3 months i have managed to chisel off almost 20 lbs that i had packed on over recent years. I feel better than ever, thanks to quite a few revisions in my diet and my life. At this point, I have no fear about aging because I feel like I am making solid day to day choices. My energy level seems to be at an all time high and i can bicycle as fast as I could 13 years ago. I have a hot gf, get to shag as much as I want and I still get looked at by other ladies of various ages. I have had some pretty low, lows in the past couple years. It has been a bit of a haul to dig myself out of my lil mid-life crisis, but i have done it.

It's really important to try to take care of the little things in life you can control. Diet, exercise, personal relationships and if possible moderation with drinking and drugs.. If you make an effort in these departments, I think most of you will find that you have more energy and are taking less medication and will have better relationships with the people that matter the most. Who knows? Maybe your positive energy will be contagious.

Good luck on getting old; you can do it without me :grabsome::grabsome:
with all the drugs you did you lucky to still have a brain:yousodumb:

I understand wishing time away sucks. It's a primary thing I try to avoid. And I'm not saying others can/should do like me.

But yeah, we already have the premise that with time we and everyone important to us gets weaker, flying towards death and disaster. (perhaps that's why we're supposed to have kids)

The issue is we need to have a different perspective on getting older, to set us free from misery. We all do it, it's the nature of the universe. We have a different job/duty to do now than before, and different tools to do it. :up:
I would rather be broke and homeless doing something that I enjoy than working a job that I hate and wishing away my life. I suppose that's why I don't get it. I know the feeling from school, but I've never actually had it happen to me in my adult life since I've had choices.

I think it's really depressing that all that you see is misery in aging. Without any positive outlook whatsoever, I don't see how you couldn't call it a fear.

amen brother

sure as fuck don't wanna be there right now. being a young guy aint all that appealing when you think about all the shit you have to put up with. anxiety, boredom, lack of freedom, resources etc...
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Muddy, some people just have it all figured out. Their lives are free of turmoil, fear and trivial things that most humans are prey to.

Luckily for us, they spend a decent amount of time at Gamelive so if we're ever in need of a reality check we don't have far to look.

Daft, I bet when you were a kid you couldn't wait to turn 16 so you could drive, turn 21 to go out without a fake ID, etc.

Now, you wish you were younger.

Funny how that works, isn't it? It's all perception. Take life as it's given to you. Pretty fucking pointless to dwell on the uncontrollable and inevitable.
with all the drugs you did you lucky to still have a brain:yousodumb:

You talkin' to me?

Overall, my sleep is better than it has ever been. I have had a lifetime of sleep difficulties but it gets better as I get older.

Now there is some up and down within that framework. Some weeks I will do more tossing and turning than others. But compared to what it was, things are clearly better.

I doubt I will ever be like my dad who has always been prone to just falling asleep sitting in a chair in the middle of the day. He can be reading or watching TV or sitting with company ---> boom, he's gone. I have never done that in my life (sober). I hear people say they, "fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow." That sure ain't me.

But if I had to sum up my feelings about my current sleep situation in one word, it would be: good.