Maybe you guys have picked up Mr. X's skimming habits.
We board a friend's horse. Goats are good companion animals for horses. They calm them down and curb undesirable boredom behaviors that Bad horse is displaying. The collar and tags are for when I suspect the goat will get loose in our residential neighborhood that's zoned for horses, chickens and such.
And, I like animals so hanging out in the yard fussing around with a goat and a horse is calming for me. Since the boarders are over here at least twice a day, and the goat is mostly a companion for the horse, I don't really have to have full responsibility for it.
It's kind of cool to see how interested Bad Horse seems to be in Evil Boy. This morning I went out to feed them and Bad Horse had taken the horse blanket off of the goat's crate and thrown it into the middle of the corral. He reached over the pen with his head. We still have them separated until Evil B. gets braver and less freaked out.