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I'm being sincere.

its not uncommon at all for some random unexpected thing like to that to get stuck in your craw

I wish I knew how to tell you a way to get it out of your mind.

basically in all my years of Psych reading, the things that help the most in ANY situation is a) time b) support from people that have had similar experiences c) talking about it to whomever (not bottling it up) d) attempting to prove your worst fears wrong......... ie maybe going on more tram rides and NOT seeing hideous dicks e) accepting that life is full of crazy shit, and choosing to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

f. get over yourselves. for fucks sake
It's about this Bejeweled Blitz.

I have farted around with it quite a bit and, while there is a always room for improvement, I have a hard time seeing myself getting a ton better at it. A score of 150,000 is a pretty good score for me.

Now this is all with no boosts.

My question basically is how (the hell) are you getting 673,000? Are you just that much faster than me - or is it all about the boosts? I saw your earlier comments about boosts. I fiddled with the boosts. I guess I must have been using boosts when I got my high score of 321K because I generally don't approach that.

And if it is all about the boosts, is there some way to get them? For me to get enough coins for the 3 boosts you mentioned, I have to play like 40 games. And then sometimes I see these other fancy shmancy boosts - I'd have to play all day just to get one.

But is that the idea? Just keep playing until you can buy the boosts and just hope you have the game of your life when you've got them on?
that is the whole idea. I can get up between 300 and 400K with no boosts. On rare occasions, a little more. But the score I currently have is with one of the fancy schmantzy boosts. Your best hope for getting those comes with the daily spin when you first open Bejeweled each day. You get to spin the little slot like machine and you win bejeweled coin thingies which you use to buy boosts. I also have games where I can't see the matchups for anything and am lucky to score 20,000.
Okay well if you can get 300-400K with no boosts, then you are just playing better than me. 150K is pretty much my ceiling - and I don't get there very often.

It is possible I am not understanding strategy. I basically just go like crazy and make every connection I see and don't stop to think much. Sometimes I'll have back to back games and I will feel like they were both about the same - but one game I'll get 50K and the other will be 125K. I won't have any idea what was so different.

Anyways thanks. The game is making me a bit mental and I thought I'd ask.