Hooligans Sportsbook

Steves gets his life together

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Got the card worked out and saw that the beer shop near the gym had that sugary 19% stuff the college girls drink, so bombed a bunch of that and some other highly potent fruity stuffq

Time became a blur

Went to a Starbucks bombed and the manager kept sitting with me telling me she could get me help since I'm homeless, she called the paramedics and they wouldn't leave me alone so finally I agreed - then I freaked out because my phone and headphones were gone. The ambulance was bouncing everywhere so I'm 99% sure they were in there and are now gone just like my guitars I've lost to emt and police

Went to hospital, got pissed and left to go to bar

Bombed whiskey, fell face first and literally broke my nose

Day 2 went to 2nd bar with broken nose, trashed again going in, hot as fuck bartender had to cut me off.

Went back to PFitness, banned for life for screaming at a guard who wouldn't let me in. They have my suitcase with 99% of my shit and and my blankets.

Passed out in subway station where someone stole my wallet,including my ID, my PayPal card, my Wells Fargo card and my Unemployment funds card. They took my two dolla sunglasses and look at my face. They took my American Spirits and my cheap cigars. Fuck them. Have a set of balls and put a gun to my head, don't be a spineless shitbag going through my pants. But yup, they dug DEEP for all that. Fuckers probably so proud of themselves. I'll never sleep in a subway station again. I guess I should've known that to begin with. TOTAL trap, but as Vegas Dave knows, I can't bluff and I can't sniff out a trap.

Went back to hospital, stayed this time. They treated me like an absolute king for 3 days. Warmth, cable tv, shower, best doctors and nurses in the world. Nose confirmed broken. Security firm at PFitness confirmed in the wrong by the po, I'll have to head down there with them. Spoke to shelter and halfway house people. Liked the halfway house guy a lot, very sharp.

Got rained on tonight. No umbrella or blanket thanks to security firm.

I miss my shit but as cold and wet as I am, I feel like superman running around without it.

The wonderful hospital nurses gave me so, so much food, and my new post workout fav - Ensure. Shit is so post workout good.

Big day today. Have to get new card and make the most put of the $200 I didn't rip through on my binge. Then, if I can afford it, laptops and tablets out of storage.

One HUGH development - free tablet AND hotspot from library I had no plans on going to! THAT and the love from the nurses are that cool God stuff, imo.

Lost $12 on Stars, flopped mid set and lost to opened draw.

Two cigs from a Coolio and delicious meal from a very pretty hot mama (no chance).

All I got.

Salud, Gamelive Brothas and Sistas.

Much love.
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The question is, how do I get the beautiful protectors back?

How do I get the girl who said, and I quote, "I can't wait to fuck his brains out, he's like the Energizer bunny!" back?

We don't have to actually fuck, of course. You dancing your sweet asses off and letting everything go is all I need.

How? What can I do, protectors?






When you have a chance, I mean, of course.


Wawa 24 oz coffee (Columbian Roast) with a buttload of Irish Cream and pure cocaine (I wish!) I mean....pure cane sugar.

Now today is free coffee day at Wawa, so the cashier looked at my face like wtf happened to you and just told me to go ahead, instead of scanning the code. She totally hooked me up! And you had better believe that I appreciate that deeply now, but will more so around 2 when the WALL from being up all night hits and I can grab another. Thank you very much, seriously. Quite seriously.

Is there an angle here though? Should homeless people fight club themselves via Ed Norton in his soon to be ex boss's office for these "perks"?

Or should they just do what I did?

I feel like only buttholesurfer knows the answer to this question....because honestly?

If we both agree on buttholes that strongly, than I feel like we have a LOT in common.
Just found an iphone w a completely busted screen

Was at 1%, literally looks like someone who could easily afford a new one just said FUCK THIS and SMASHED it

So I guess we'll add PAWN SHOP to the list

How cool would it be to get a cheap intermediate geetar in exchange for it?

That’s dope if it’s free

As much as I bitch about Philly they do some deeply cool stuff for people who need it man.

I just can't wait to be out of the needing it boat.

More geared towards fams tho....picture a kid growing up with no internet at home in the year 2021.

Philly said FUCK that just like the Flyers said FUCK being good this year.