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Steves gets his life together

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Lost over $1k in poker this weekend playing like an asshole and have to catch the 645 am bus to be dropped off 15 minutes walking distance from work, and I'll be walking that with a backpack with three two liters of soda for the pot luck lunch. Then I'll be thrown on the phones to collect money from people on a system I am not at all comfortable with.

Not in the best of spirits, fingers crossed that things with the job go MUCH better than poker is going. I really did used to be pretty good at that, dammit.


At least I'm still drop dead gorgeous
Stevie, I wont tell you to stop playing poker since I know you enjoy it, but you should definitely set a stop-loss. Like capping losses at 150 a session or 400 a week or something.

It's possible you have just been super unlucky, but it seems like you aren't a profitable player in this game. My guess is that you COULD be if you played optimally (boring) and never tilted, but it seems like you are more interested in gambling/bluffing/having fun?

Which is fine, but set a loss limit. If you get hot and run it up, awesome. If you lose a buy-in or two, call it a day. No reason to blow good money that could go towards your next place of residence or whatever.

Just my two cents!
Yeah I hear you man I think the difference is I USED TO play very tight optimal poker but now I don't because I have more money than I'm used to and it's so FUCKING boring/such a grind. I tell myself I will play optimally and I start out doing so but then I will play more hands due to something that happens/that tilts me, or the table is playing so loose that I feel obligated to loosen up for more opportunities.Last week it was quads over quads to tilt me, Friday it was set over set, and tonight the table was so crazy that top pair was paying big

Question for you, Amish Dave - Ive been beaten set over set a few times lately, but I've always included small pocket pairs in my strategy. Do you consider all pocket pairs part of optimal poker, or do you have a cutoff, like maybe pocket 10s for instance?
Yeah I hear you man I think the difference is I USED TO play very tight optimal poker but now I don't because I have more money than I'm used to and it's so FUCKING boring/such a grind. I tell myself I will play optimally and I start out doing so but then I will play more hands due to something that happens/that tilts me, or the table is playing so loose that I feel obligated to loosen up for more opportunities.Last week it was quads over quads to tilt me, Friday it was set over set, and tonight the table was so crazy that top pair was paying big

Question for you, Amish Dave - Ive been beaten set over set a few times lately, but I've always included small pocket pairs in my strategy. Do you consider all pocket pairs part of optimal poker, or do you have a cutoff, like maybe pocket 10s for instance?
Nothing you can do about set over set (and especially quads over quads lol), that's just stacks in every time and bad luck if you have the lower one.

There are lots of considerations that go into playing small pairs. Your position, the betting action in front of you, your stack size, opponent stack size, etc. Generally speaking in a 1-2 type game you often aren't going to be getting the right pot odds to set-mine. Like yes if everyone is limping, limp all of your small pairs. But you shouldn't be calling sizeable raises with them, and if you are one of the first to act you should be folding.

But yeah man if you are tilting and "feeling obligated to loosen up" because the rest of the table is loose... you are playing losing poker. And again, that's fine for the lolz, but you should go into every session thinking "I'm going to lose all of this $", not that you are going to win. This should keep you on a budget (only playing with $ you are willing to lose) AND make you less likely to tilt or chase since you already parted with that money in your head anyway
Do you have an article on optimal poker that you like?

Not facing raises with pocket pairs seems crazy to me. Also folding them in eàrly position not even facing a raise seems crazy as well. I've always paid up to say $35 with pocket pairs up to JJ and raised with only AA, KK and QQ.

Playing optimal poker do you raise with AK? AQ?
Do you have an article on optimal poker that you like?

Not facing raises with pocket pairs seems crazy to me. Also folding them in eàrly position not even facing a raise seems crazy as well. I've always paid up to say $35 with pocket pairs up to JJ and raised with only AA, KK and QQ.

Playing optimal poker do you raise with AK? AQ?
Search full-preflop-charts.pdf on google and download that chart. That's a good place to start. You can also search "RFI charts" (Raise First In) and "3bet charts" (hands you should be reraising with)

Yeah your pocket pair strats sound awful stevie lol. The odds of flopping a set are 1 in 8, so you want you and your opponent to have at least 8x the bet size so if you do hit your set theres enough chips that it was mathematically worth it to try. Calling say $20 (a 10x raise at 1-2) with 55 vs some guy that has 100 behind is just burning money long run.

And you should also be 3betting with much more than just QQ KK and AA in late position.

Study your RFI and 3bet charts Stevie. And search poker strategy on youtube theres thousands of hours of free content on this stuff. Can't be letting these 1-2 fools beat you!
Stop playing poker as a means to earn money. It’s simply recreation and any monies lost should/could have been used to save for emergencies.

Definitely never play online poker. The days of online poker being profitable were long gone 10 years ago. The players are way better and all the rakes have been raised.
The glory days of poker are long gone,once they started televising poker with the odds clearly on display anyone paying attention got good at poker fast.Small pairs (<10) in early position I will just limp in and hope to hit a set on the flop,if someone raises I generally fold.I am a tight player and probably fold more than most people but overall had success playing poker.I am a better tournament player than cash game and when poker was really going,I played mostly higher stakes limit games.
Definitely appreciate the insights fellas.

I will be continuing to play live on weekends, I am done online. Well said Tron.

I will be studying those charts Dave, definitely appreciate that. Like Dingo I am very tight when on point and it has made me successful over the long term. I look forward to improving with the charts, I really appreciate the suggestion.

One last question. If you are in a room do you see more hands if there is a high hand promo? Rivers runs them ranging from $400-$1k and people play everything chasing them.
Nah Jersey.

He met me at work and we went to a sports bar.

Dude looks good for 51, son in college and two younger daughters. Beautiful wife. Big house. Masters degree, high paying computer job, wife works with him from home.

Pete did everything right. Verified winner.

I was walking to the casino the other day and I took a picture of this lady's ass. I asked Christina, this property manager I talk to, if she would put it in her ass. She said oh fuk yah.

I wish Christina weighed less, she's such a good friend. Maybe if I get fat enough from the work vending machines I'll be interested one day. She is my bff.


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