Hooligans Sportsbook

Steves gets his life together

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This one is about ME
Oh man they're throwing me on the phones to collect money from people on Monday. You'd think someone with a web design certificate from a college and who has learned loan officer software pretty easily would be clicking with this stuff, but it all feels like a blur little of which I've retained. Hopefully I can keep up, if anything to keep Plommer from returning.
I have never eaten random shit off the ground, lol. Not that I remember anyway. Oh wait, there was that one half eaten breakfast sandwich in south Philly. I remember the teenage girls said I was disgusting. It was pretty good.
Steve can you do a top 10 life lessons from your time surviving sleeping in the great outdoors?

like do you feel like you have learned how NOT to get guitars and personal items stolen really well now?

teach us your ways
I can tell you one thing, don't sleep in the subway. There are creeps who will hover over you and very softly steal everything you have, and you won't feel a thing. I had my wallet, sunglasses and American Spirits stolen that way.

Then there was the Mexican that stole not one but two guitars, first offering me a choice the laptop or the guitar and then showing up at my Air Bnb with an old man asking if I said something about his Mother and running away with a second guitar though. Fuckin asshole spick.

I've lost more guitars than that though.

I wonder if Independence Park still has my three laptops and dress clothes from when I got arrested for being drunk and roudy.

What I've learned is get a job and have your own place to sleep in and keep your stuff in.
Oh and trust no one at a cheap Air Bnb. My digital lock was taking like ten times to work so I left my door unlocked at one. These hoodrats distracted me by scattering all these dishes all over the place and microwaving flammables and when I was stopping all that they went into my room and stole Freedom Mortgage's laptop along with over $100 in vapes. Fuckers. I did smoke some good weed with some people and have a weed dealer at another one though

I'm now banned from Air Bnb for mistakenly stealing some blankets and at another one the landlord started to piss my drunk ass off so I started moving his stuff outside and he shoved me down the stairs onto the concrete which hurt.

Air Bnb told me not to even bother multi accounting because it won't work.

There is Vrbo now so I can just do that.

First pay will be on Friday so will likely Craigslist a room soon.

Trust no one on the streets either. One night I was piss ass drunk crying about my Mother's brain condition and this tough black guy pretended to be my friend and told me he had a place for me to stay for a few days and $400 cash of I gave him my food stamp card and the code. Of course he never came back and he drained it for over $1,500.

Another night I got arrested for being drunk and roudy and when the cops let me go there was this blanket there. I picked it up and the next day this ugly girl and black guy came up to me saying it was their blanket. He looked like he was going to swing at me so when I got ready to swing he maced me and took the blanket.

Mace really, really hurts. Not recommended.
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Oh and don't go into the hospital after 3/4 bottle being drunk and crazy. I did that and they put me in some kind of hospital jail, and threw me out in nothing but a hospital skirt. When I called for my stuff they said they didn't have it. I was on the street in nothing but a hospital skirt for days until I found some clothes in a deserted suitcase.
And don't be smashed and convinced that you can sing rock and roll where bums are trying to sleep. I did that and this huge black bum beat me down with a big piece of wood. He made up a lie that I tried to molest his sister so I was afraid to call the cops. Had to find a new spot all beaten down and shit. Fucked up.

Not sure if that is ten or not but we're getting there.
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Oh and don't accept any invitations to work with anyone. I was begging outside of a 711 and this kind of cute Spanish girl offered to work with me for a profit split. She updated the sign and started begging with me.

As soon as she got handed some money she said she was going down the street and would be back to split profits. Probably just money for her dose.

I saw her randomly one day after I drank too much beer, fell broke my nose and had two black eyes. She gave me a funny look and moved on.

I got handed twenties outside of 711 a few times. Might go back to that.
What was your best hustle for money?
I never ran drugs (except importing and exporting coke for Pablo Escobar which was good until I got busted in '93 with a kilo up my ass) got into shoplifting or anything like that. The best money for me was as a Loan Officer, which I look to get back to in the future.

On the streets it was opening doors/begging at 711s.
Lost over $1k in poker this weekend playing like an asshole and have to catch the 645 am bus to be dropped off 15 minutes walking distance from work, and I'll be walking that with a backpack with three two liters of soda for the pot luck lunch. Then I'll be thrown on the phones to collect money from people on a system I am not at all comfortable with.

Not in the best of spirits, fingers crossed that things with the job go MUCH better than poker is going. I really did used to be pretty good at that, dammit.


At least I'm still drop dead gorgeous