Hooligans Sportsbook

Steves gets his life together

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What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit?​

A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.
This is exactly what I'm talking about

Big surprise, this coming from Gamelive's known pedophile

Only you would find something as disgusting as that funny, you sick fuck stalking children's parks

What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit?​

A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.
Seriously though, for anyone to think something like this is funny they are seriously fucked.

Clearly whatever scum produced this sick fuck didn't do anything whatsoever to give it a proper upbringing.
Started training today, easiest $6.25 I ever made

Tomorrow we get to work on big boy stuff, clean up 10 miles out. They were like do you really want to travel that far? I'm all fuck yah. Just need to not drink Titos so I don't end up in Slovakia or something.

I'm digging the people I work for. Lets make this work until I reach my destiny, which is of course working for Wells Fargo and playing poker.

More pro gamblers should be workng for banks, imo. What could go wrong?

My friend in Tennessee sent me this nice work shirt.
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I lold bone bone. Well played man.

Yes this is a job with a lot of riterees, housewives whose kids have left home etc.

One thing that's cool though is I can take my shift at each store each day and do it when I want, as long as it's done that day. Nothing to worry about. Also no dealing w the public, hardly around coworkers, no selling pressure, no necessity to work when other people aren't like when having to sell mortgages, etc.and really very little physical or mental prep for work each day necessary.

What we have here is the perfect job to jump back into live poker (and some online mid stakes plo) with. Let's not forgot I turned amounts under $500 into over 10k 3 times in Philly and Cleveland, and my probable favorite room is right up the street. I can bang out my shift, go to Rivers, own, take shots of bacardi, get a few hours of sleep, wake up and do it all over again.

The work? Very mentally challenging stuff - Bone bone would have a tough time keeping up. We are scraping price tags off shelves and replacing them. Taking down product displays and putting them back up. Different colors, different prices, all shelves all rearranged due to deep corporate strategies that a one trick pony like Boner would never be able to wrap his head around. I now know all about what's going on in the women's hair section and the picture frame section at Dollar General on Welsh Rd this week, and Boner doesn't.

This is obviously all a bridge until I can drive, my pockets are full and Blitty and I are crushing the Nashville bars, but it'll do.

One thing I was reminded of is that I am in public, when some lady said "That must be 26 inches" and like a dumb frat boy I said loudly in a deep voice "That's what she said."

Dude, my boss was there, wtf?

Anyway, good first day. I did well. No more beanie in the stores as per management so look forward to pics of non grunge Stevie's coming soon.

Here's to the future, crew!

Congrats Stevie, good work!

I know you won't heed this advice but please stay the fuck out of casinos. Start binge watching Dave Ramsey videos. Get a roof over your head. Get food in your fridge. Start building up an emergency fund. Put yourself in position financially to not be completely derailed by a setback.

Then later you can take some shots at the tables with money you can afford to lose. Even the best players in the world have big downswings. Give yourself a chance to succeed.