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Sad cat Chat

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Did you know Nigeria's President is named Goodluck?

In action I once had a nigerian pet for a day. True story. http://gamelive.com/forum/showthread.php/15681-earth-day?p=372142&viewfull=1#post372142

Well so you did! That's funny.. It was nice of you to let him tag along.

I did not know that the President was Jonathan Goodluck. I hope they have some goodluck finding those girls. Now I'll be the first to admit I do not read/watch as much news as I should, but the first I heard of this was today....and it's been 2 weeks since the kidnapping! Is it just me with my head in the sand or is there relatively little coverage of this? In any case, it outrages me. So horrible. Some being sold for $12 I read.
No not Jonathan Goodluck, it's Goodluck Jonathan. :up:

Boko Haram is very active but they act against Nigeria government so it gets almost no coverage elsewhere. They are constantly killing by the dozens, real savages. Whole town massacred, church massacres, foreign hostages, school massacres, all within the last couple of years. You have to understand Nigerian society, extremely rich and extreme over population in poverty, religiously split. Since the year 2000 the country has grown by 46 million people, that is insane and extremely difficult for the society and has made Nigeria a hell hole. In my outside opinion one of the roughest places in the world to live.