Monkey, it was stated that the player was paid even after it was proven that he voided his wager by not adhering to the rules. Now it was also pointed out that the rules in this particular case weren't really advantageous to the player but they were clearly stated. The player in question even relented and admitted he was in the wrong by not fully understanding the rules.
I agree what Blackie threatened to do to you was deplorable. Veiled threat or not it should have never happened. Why is it not equally posible that in that argument on the issue of the argument once it was pointed out the error on behalf of the player you refused to let it go?
Monkey, I'm not defending Blackie over you. I was merely pointing out that both parties got carried away. Blackie was more wrong because of what he threatened to do to an individual Monkey but you weren't pure in the matter. If that makes me an asshole then I'm an asshole.