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Ray Rice knockout video

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Clinton was impeached, Rice was banned by the NFL. Doesn't matter if things like this occur on the clock, or off the clock, doesn't matter if they are still good at their job - these are not the type of men that the NFL or US want representing them.

Well said.

There is a getting clocked off the clock joke in here somewhere. Or clocking off the clock. Something lie that.... Where's Plommer?
Clinton was impeached, Rice was banned by the NFL. Doesn't matter if things like this occur on the clock, or off the clock, doesn't matter if they are still good at their job - these are not the type of men that the NFL or US want representing them.

For the most part I agree with you. The Ravens have every right to say who plays on their team. But this is also suppose to be football...an entertainment industry. In all the news stories after the first week of the season, very few were actually about any of the games. And that part sucks. Both parties in that elevator were wrong in their actions and he used really bad judgment. He was in the wrong for hitting her. I just don't think the media is suppose to be the "moral compass" and in this situation they are trying to act like it. With the Clinton example, it was the other way around. It was "who are you to pass judgment on what consenting adults do."

Not that I am saying Janay consented to being punched and knocked out. Still think that way wrong.

ok...I am done for the night!! Carry on good peoples!!!! Not you Matty.
a comment which I have hear many variations of over the last week:

. . . the owners don't want to get rid of Roger Goodell because he has made them a lot of money . . .

I would like to hear the name of someone they could have had as commissioner the last few years that would have stopped the NFL from making money.
For the most part I agree with you. The Ravens have every right to say who plays on their team. But this is also suppose to be football...an entertainment industry. In all the news stories after the first week of the season, very few were actually about any of the games. And that part sucks. Both parties in that elevator were wrong in their actions and he used really bad judgment. He was in the wrong for hitting her. I just don't think the media is suppose to be the "moral compass" and in this situation they are trying to act like it. With the Clinton example, it was the other way around. It was "who are you to pass judgment on what consenting adults do."

Not that I am saying Janay consented to being punched and knocked out. Still think that way wrong.

ok...I am done for the night!! Carry on good peoples!!!! Not you Matty.

In the Clinton situation, sure, they might have bee consenting adults, but he was married, he committed adultery. I have to say I find this to be a poor comparison. As far as the media playing the "moral compass" and reporting and twisting words, is something they have been doing for a long time, decades. The media has always been trying to report going on's to the people and to try to sway them one way or the other based on any given reporters personal opinion. That won't change anytime soon. I really don't think it's the media here that's the issue....far from it.
I really don't think it's the media here that's the issue...

I'd say it is, indirectly. The NFL was trying to gain PR points and it backfired on them. Without media attention, Ray Rice probably does not get suspended 2 games, and he sure as hell does not get perma-banned months later as a holier-than-thou make-up call.

I guess the issue is the NFL trying too hard to clean up its brand. They'll always be a league of thugs.

This ain't figure skating, boys.
Well that is true, if the elevator video had been kept private, I am sure things would have turned out differently for him. Perhaps it's just me here, but I feel that if he hadn't done that in the first place, then there would be nothing to worry about, so really, the only person to blame is himself.
A further bit of food for thought:

Domestic assault is part of our society. Sad and pathetic no doubt, but undeniable.

How does the NFL compare to society at large in terms of these incidents? Half. There are half the number of these assaults involving NFL players than you would expect from a random, same-sized sample of the population.

Assault is a crime. A blow job is not. Did I say that already?

Adultery is a crime against God you fool. It's written on a stone tablet.

Your attitude is so representative of the moral decay that plagues America (especially outside of Alabama.)

Rogatien please impose a 30-minute ban on IAG for moral decadence.
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