Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I use my fists in situations where most people use their palms/fingertips. Like for example, when pushing open a swinging door, I push with my fist. Or when anchoring myself when lowering myself into in bed, I use a fist.

Most people use an open hand.

I'm not suggesting my way is superior. I have no reason to think so.

Someone asked once if I am germphobic. Not remotely.

It's just a random thing for some reason. :dunno:
That is funny.

Here's my exact use of the word fickle: "I hate to call so late but appraisers can be very fickle these days so I wanted to make sure you knew they called"

It went well.

I am very smart with my use of the word fickle to replace a-total-fucking-pain-in-the-asshole