Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Kike has always struck me as one of the most offensive slurs one can utter. I dunno why.

In other news I used the term blockhead art work today to refer to a Swede.

its in reality about as harmless in derivation as "spic"

not sure why words like that get chosen to be bad, its just a shortening of a word

can't remember what Kike comes from, but I do remember hearing the reason and thinking.... well that isn't really offensive.

i'll look it up now

NFL needs to ban Kike by the way. I know jewisih-nfl players are frothing at the mouth that it hasn't been banned yet.

native americans, hispanics, asians, and indians are also looking to get some words banned. Polack and Mick has been accepted as allowable by NFL

not sure about froggy frenchy queer yet
On revisiting the pic just now, I saw what I was supposed to see immediately. Don't know why I didn't see it on my lunch when I had a good, long, leisurely time to look. I checked it inch by inch. I was perhaps slightly predisposed to looking for a woodpecker or a dancing chicken but I had an open mind for the most part.


But now I saw it instantly.

I have read very few books by women authors.

After having that random thought I tried to pin it down and it took me awhile to even think of one. Finally I recalled something by Constance Beresford-Howe. The Book of Eve. Not even my choice - forced to study it in high school.

Then I remembered To Kill a Mockingbird. Good book. I'm sure there are more if I set my mind to it.

I used to read a lot of books but I stopped ~10 years ago. But even if I never read another, I will die having read more books than the majority of my contemporaries. Many hundreds of books. Just not a lot by chicks.

If I had kept reading, I'm sure I would have read a Harry Potter book by now.
Little known fact: Ave Maria is not the original title of that piece of music. There is some ambiguity about the instrumental origins as it was a piece composed by Gounod to be superimposed over something written by J.S. Bach 150 years earlier - and apparently relatives of Gounod were also involved. So assigning compositional credit is hazy at best.

But apparently everyone involved use the same working title which was not Ave Maria.

The proper title: Howdy Maria.

Every time I see Kevin Trudeau on, I want to throw a rock thru the television set. I cannot stand that guy. "Free Money!"

I guess just changing the channel makes more sense.

I thought he was a convicted scam artist. Yet, he still on every channel, having discovered amazing new stuff every week that he wants to share with the public :usa: