Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

#Winning #Sharps #VigSchmig #+EV


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Amazing to see hoe lithe Matty looks in this picture.

Matty you have had to put on what, 50lbs since moving to Torono?
:ohbye: Looks fun enough.

So swamped with work, was supposed to send out my first email campaign last week and still haven't had the chance to get to it! Not to mention the house work is piling up....but that's mostly do to the fact I just don't feel like it.
I guess it means that if you go looking at nothing and expect it to be like the mighty Quinn ----> you will be disappointed.
Once again too ridiculously funny to go unrecognized. I don't know if a lot of the things you say are really that funny to everyone else, or even if you are trying to be funny, but some of your comments always make me laugh regardless of my mood.

Don't let the pressure get to you. I said that to another person once and they immediately became unfunny.