Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Quote Originally Posted by CaliGirlNY View Post
Post grad at NYU.

Yup, I'm a bitch. And so are you.

And you are obviously a lonely woman since you seem to have nothing better to do than post on a sports betting site 24/7. I mean really since you have been back here have you ever logged off? You post constantly and continuously. You must be super lonely, or maybe confined to a hospital bed or some other excuse for not having a life off this site. You are also seeking attention on here, as proven by your constant commenting and posting.

Honey you're no better than me.

If you ever took the time to get to know anything about anyone I would be amazed. I know this is difficult because of the narcissistic traits which you exhibit. Otherwise you would know my situation. It's not a secret. Since you live in Caliworld and care about no one but yourself, let me fill ya in. I have left my home in Denver to care for my mother who is suffering from Alzheimers Disease. Is it a party? No. Does it give me a lot of time to surf the net and hang out with my on line friends? Absolutely. Unfortunately for now, the internet is my connection to the outside world. Would I trade my situation of being able to take care of my mother in her final years..who on some days doesn't know me and who requires 24/7 care for your life? Hell no. I get to spend time quality time with her. I am well compensated, and I have time for a lot of introspection. Is it ideal? no. Do I post a lot and perhaps too much at times? Absolutely. So since you are looking for my "excuse for not having a life," that's it.

I've never seen someone be so proud of being a bitch as you. There are so many more things I could say but wont, because yes, in fact, I am better than you.

Posted the text as I'm guessing you may be "too bored" by my post to click on the link. Posted in the other thread also. If you want to continue this drama, please pick one thread in which to do it.

Quote Originally Posted by CaliGirlNY View Post
Post grad at NYU.

Yup, I'm a bitch. And so are you.

And you are obviously a lonely woman since you seem to have nothing better to do than post on a sports betting site 24/7. I mean really since you have been back here have you ever logged off? You post constantly and continuously. You must be super lonely, or maybe confined to a hospital bed or some other excuse for not having a life off this site. You are also seeking attention on here, as proven by your constant commenting and posting.

Honey you're no better than me.

Cali...Please stop calling me honey. You remind me of a truck stop waitress.
If you ever took the time to get to know anything about anyone I would be amazed. I know this is difficult because of the narcissistic traits which you exhibit. Otherwise you would know my situation. It's not a secret. Since you live in Caliworld and care about no one but yourself, let me fill ya in. I have left my home in Denver to care for my mother who is suffering from Alzheimers Disease. Is it a party? No. Does it give me a lot of time to surf the net and hang out with my on line friends? Absolutely. Unfortunately for now, the internet is my connection to the outside world. Would I trade my situation of being able to take care of my mother in her final years..who on some days doesn't know me and who requires 24/7 care for your life? Hell no. I get to spend time quality time with her. I am well compensated, and I have time for a lot of introspection. Is it ideal? no. Do I post a lot and perhaps too much at times? Absolutely. So since you are looking for my "excuse for not having a life," that's it.

I've never seen someone be so proud of being a bitch as you. There are so many more things I could say but wont, because yes, in fact, I am better than you.

If you ever took the time to get to know anything about anyone I would be amazed. I know this is difficult because of the narcissistic traits which you exhibit. Otherwise you would know my situation. It's not a secret. Since you live in Caliworld and care about no one but yourself, let me fill ya in. I have left my home in Denver to care for my mother who is suffering from Alzheimers Disease. Is it a party? No. Does it give me a lot of time to surf the net and hang out with my on line friends? Absolutely. Unfortunately for now, the internet is my connection to the outside world. Would I trade my situation of being able to take care of my mother in her final years..who on some days doesn't know me and who requires 24/7 care for your life? Hell no. I get to spend time quality time with her. I am well compensated, and I have time for a lot of introspection. Is it ideal? no. Do I post a lot and perhaps too much at times? Absolutely. So since you are looking for my "excuse for not having a life," that's it.

I've never seen someone be so proud of being a bitch as you. There are so many more things I could say but wont, because yes, in fact, I am better than you.

You didn't need to repeat yourself honey.
i'm sorry you're going through all that.

you are no better than me because you have no idea what i'm doing right now in my life either honey. you make judgements based solely on what you see here. you don't know a thing about me outside this forum. And you don't care either.

I do care and am sorry you are in such a tough place, but think what you are doing for you mom is wonderful.

You can think you're better than me, that's okay.
You throw all that crap out here and now, because I explain the situation, you apparently do not want to come off as the heartless one. Don't change your tune based on fear of coming off looking like the bad guy.
What you said is nice, but it's embarrassing that it was not sincere.

Several posts up Cali I told you I felt bad for you. I said it was obvious you had a lot going on. But you do not see that. You see what you want to see.

You said I had no idea what was going on with you outside the forum. To some extent that is true. However you do put a lot out there...before I even started posting here again I had friends who did and would occasionally read the forum so I knew a little of you. However I did make an attempt to get to know you when I started posting again....I was concerned for you after reading the "Hire me" thread. I found you to be "interesting" and that is not a put down. In fact, If anything it's a compliment.
I don't know if you remember that but I was trying at that time to find a common ground.

I know how women are. I know this place is obviously important to you and you have found a great deal of support from posters here. I just don't understand why you think that you are the only one deserving of that. And trust me, I am not looking to detract from you in any way. The forum at which I was a mod went away. We posted a lot of stupid threads. I guess that's why I continue to do so here. I am sorry that they bore you so much.
I am sorry the fact that I have a belief system you find "unfathomable." I found it really annoying earlier when you kept making remarks saying "I'm sorry you are so easily offended," "I'm sorry you cannot recognize sarcasm," etc....

.Now I find I am doing the same annoying thing so I am going to stop giving the morning masses fodder to feed the stereotype of neurotic females.
I got 4 hours of sleep last night and I think it's time for me to be done with this.
You throw all that crap out here and now, because I explain the situation, you apparently do not want to come off as the heartless one. Don't change your tune based on fear of coming off looking like the bad guy.
What you said is nice, but it's embarrassing that it was not sincere.

Several posts up Cali I told you I felt bad for you. I said it was obvious you had a lot going on. But you do not see that. You see what you want to see.

You said I had no idea what was going on with you outside the forum. To some extent that is true. However you do put a lot out there...before I even started posting here again I had friends who did and would occasionally read the forum so I knew a little of you. However I did make an attempt to get to know you when I started posting again....I was concerned for you after reading the "Hire me" thread. I found you to be "interesting" and that is not a put down. In fact, If anything it's a compliment.
I don't know if you remember that but I was trying at that time to find a common ground.

I know how women are. I know this place is obviously important to you and you have found a great deal of support from posters here. I just don't understand why you think that you are the only one deserving of that. And trust me, I am not looking to detract from you in any way. The forum at which I was a mod went away. We posted a lot of stupid threads. I guess that's why I continue to do so here. I am sorry that they bore you so much.
I am sorry the fact that I have a belief system you find "unfathomable." I found it really annoying earlier when you kept making remarks saying "I'm sorry you are so easily offended," "I'm sorry you cannot recognize sarcasm," etc....

.Now I find I am doing the same annoying thing so I am going to stop giving the morning masses fodder to feed the stereotype of neurotic females.
I got 4 hours of sleep last night and I think it's time for me to be done with this.

1) i was sincere

2) you think i have a lot going on but have no idea what or anything. anyone can say that to anyone. YOU, darling, are not sincere as you have no idea what you are talking about.

3) the hire me thread isn't the only one on here. don't base your opinions on people on one thread.

4) there is a lot I don't share on here. In fact I realized I share negative things, etc. but really my life is awesome, I have an amazing BFF and a super family, I am super busy with lots of things. I should be more positive on here. but then you would all say i'm bragging.

5) and you're right, there is some support here. which is why i have shared, as many do, negative things about ourselves and lives. I think we are ALL here for support in some way. I have always thought this and never said otherwise.

6) You should try melatonin to help you sleep.

sweet dreams

We gonna have a beer one of these days, just for the hell of it, or not?

All good, it just wiggles the bike a bit when I cross the tracks at too shallow an angle. I installed really soft street tires that have immense grip. Just need to remember to cross the tracks at the steepest angle possible and not lean the bike over.

Just came back from a ride with my work buddy - his shitty bike is just out of the shop cause it was sputtering at low RPM's (bad ignition coil). Today his engine seized in the middle of a busy 4-lane road and his rear wheel locked up at about 30mph. :surrender: Twice. :surrender::surrender: He ended up abandoning the bike on the side of the road and rode bitch on mine. (And I'm not allowed to carry a passenger. And the roads are still wet. :biglaugh:)

His bike is probably going to be scrapped. Poor guy bought it (1992 Yamaha FZR600R) 2 weeks ago for $2k.

I'm feeling very lucky with my $800 bike that's in perfect running order. *knocks on helmet*