Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I am starting to hate this computer. The left mousy button doesn't hardly work anymore. Needless to say it makes highlighting things difficult. IT DRIVES ME NUTS! I guess I'll have to reconfigure the touch pad and switch the capabilities of the right and left sides. UGH.
I am starting to hate this computer. The left mousy button doesn't hardly work anymore. Needless to say it makes highlighting things difficult. IT DRIVES ME NUTS! I guess I'll have to reconfigure the touch pad and switch the capabilities of the right and left sides. UGH.
Why not just buy a USB mouse? <$10 for a basic one.
Actually that's not a half bad idea! I mean I do have a desk, but it's back in the bedroom where Steve works, and the router and stuff sit on it...so I don't really want to move it and have the router on the floor....but shit, If I am going to spend 30 bux, I could just order a desk or table to put out here!
License plate acquired. :cripwalk:

We expect to sustain a crippling injury by EOD tomorrow.

I really thought your mindset was getting some expensive fancy bike that wasn't practical! I'm liking what you purchased was cheap so doesn't interfere in family needs! Something to hold onto years down the road and representing your last days of freedom! I'm proud of you!