Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Meanwhile a guy was walking his unmuzzled attack dog on a long, long leash.

I am a dog lover in general but I also have some common sense and I tried to make a wide path around the attack dog. But its leash was so long, it was impossible. No one could pass without having some kind of encounter with the attack dog.

I backed off and contemplated the situation. The dog's tail was definitely not wagging. I needed to pass. I scratched my head.

"Say," I said, "You probably love your dog but I am not actually looking for a relationship with it today. Could you reel it in for a bit?"

"No," he said, "you need to learn to deal with your fears."

"Oh," I said.

Fortunately at that moment, the guy from my high school who was voted Most Likely to Die Due to Ill-Advised Trust of a Strange Vicious Animal walked up and stuck his whole face into the mouth of the attack dog.

The dog ripped off his head and then trotted off happily with it's master, leaving a twitching corpse still spitting blood on the pathway.

So it all worked out very well because my whole purpose to begin with, was to get some human flesh at the human flesh store. So rather than the attack dog being a big inconvenience in my day, it actually saved me some walking.

The moral of the story: when god closes a door, he opens a window.
Muddy you are having a good posting day

Not that you probably have many bad ones, but I notice sometimes I am just "on" (about 9% of the time)

You are "on" today pal

Finish it off with shaving all 500 feet of pubic hair off your nether regions
I have decided I want to do more random photography. Here is a pic just taken in the mudpad. I call it Patient Pillows.



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I have a whole set of sheets to go with them which I call my Captain America sheets. I doubt that's what the designer had in mind though. He was probably thinking like little kid's astronomy sheets. Well who the fuck knows?

They have been sitting there in a pile, untouched for a couple weeks. Waiting patiently.
For who?

A friendly visitor?

For Jenny. Awwww. :love:

When she comes over and we sit on the sofabed, she makes an arrangement of those pillows for herself. That shirt you see resting atop the couch is also waiting patiently for her. It goes over a lamp effectively acting as a dimmer because she has some photo-sensitivity.

She hasn't been over for a couple weeks though. She has had some stuff going on and when we have gotten together it has been at her place.

I guess a better housekeeper would put that stuff away in the closet and then bring it out again next time she actually came over. Even if she was coming over every day, a good housekeeper would probably do that.

I'm not a good housekeeper.