Here's something weird. I wonder if anyone here has experienced or heard of something like this.
So yesterday afternoon I was sitting here at my desk in a completely normal way for a few hours. After about an hour, I started feeling something twingy in my left foot. I didn't know what it was. As more time passed, it developed into a distinct pain. It was weird and puzzling because, as I say, I was just sitting. I had absolutely no memory of twisting or dinging anything even slightly at any point.
It got worse. There was more pain and swelling. Through yesterday evening I was hobbling around this place like a genuine cripple. I was propping myself up against anything within reach and hopping on one foot at times. If there were crutches here, I would have been using them.
And finally I went to bed - and when I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, the situation was still the same and I hopped to the can, but by morning, everything had settled down. As of now, though I can still feel the twinge and the foot is still slightly swollen, I am operating almost normally. I expect to go for a bike ride shortly and life goes on.
Frickin weird though.
Decrepitude I guess