Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

The Grammy Awards are something I can't sink my teeth into.

Comparing music and declaring something the best - it doesn't compute for me at all. Totally subjective. It's like giving an award for prettiest color or best tasting food.

I know the same argument could be made about movies but, while I don't always agree with the Oscar choices, I get what's going on. I have a strong sense of the parameters.

If memory serves, there is a Grammy category for comedy album. That seems fine.

Music though - no.

Agree. Haven't heard of most of these.
I'm thinking ahead and what can I do at Gamelive when I retire and have more time on my hands! I thought posting winners would do it, but that doesn't seem to be my forte!

So not seeing much of wwheng or zerohedge here of late, I thought maybe there is lots of inside stuff that new posters don't get! You know, stuff GL members from the beginning know! Possibly I could have a weekly Q and A session for new posters who weren't around from the beginning so they don't feel left out!

Here's an example .............

WW and Zero look at the below photo and think ....... hey, there's GL's ADORABLES ADONIS riding down the road being chased after by a GL BUXOMY BEAUTY ...................


.......... when indeed original members know yes, GL's ADORABLES ADONIS is riding down the road but in fact GL's BUXOMY BEAUTY is not as much going after ADONIS but running from GL's DOING TROUBLES MAN! (not shown in photo)

Special thanks goes out to the creator of the above picture since without it no way this knowledge could be conveyed to any new members! Thank you kindly sir! :hattip:
FF's friend just got back from Vegas only to slip his way into a high-rollers entourage. Apparently this guy was a "multi-millionare" and my friend went with him to the back parts of the casinos he'd never been to. There he played 20k a hand and gave my friend 500s to play with. Ceasars then cut him off when he swung up to 500k because he was on a credit line. The man then proceeded to play with cash in his backpack full of 100s. So they ended up at his own suite on reserve and with his other high roller buddies smoking cigars and drinking scotch.
In 1954, the Regency company introduced a pocket transistor radio, the TR-1, powered by a "standard 22.5 V Battery." In 1955, the newly formed Sony company introduced its first transistorized radio. It was small enough to fit in a vest pocket, powered by a small battery. It was durable, because it had no vacuum tubes to burn out. Over the next 20 years, transistors replaced tubes almost completely except for high-power transmitters.
