Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Had to use another coat hanger this morning. This time, it was to fish my oldest daughter's purse from the bottom of the elevator shaft. Probably a 2 inch wide slot that drops about 5-6 to the bottom. It is pretty amazing that it went straight down. The coat hanger was not quite long enough to reach the bottom on its own, so I had to tape the dismantled hanger to the end of the broom stick. Propped the elevator open and laid the flashlight pointing through the slot for illumination. Fortunately, I was able to hook the strap and raise it to the surface without anybody else in the building seeing me.

Metal coat hangers :up

Always kind of interested, whenever I am cooking a roast, to see what the temperature is inside here. Room temperature is indicated on my meat thermometer before I stab the meat with it.

Other than times like this, I have no idea.

Currently 78 degrees fahrenheit. The other day it was 82.
It is now warmer inside my roast than inside my apartment.

Sharps know this is only temporary. If you don't eat the whole roast at one sitting you will probably put the leftover in your fridge, where it will become colder than inside your apt.

Muddy, your Jedi minds tricks will not work on me.
Had to use another coat hanger this morning. This time, it was to fish my oldest daughter's purse from the bottom of the elevator shaft. Probably a 2 inch wide slot that drops about 5-6 to the bottom. It is pretty amazing that it went straight down. The coat hanger was not quite long enough to reach the bottom on its own, so I had to tape the dismantled hanger to the end of the broom stick. Propped the elevator open and laid the flashlight pointing through the slot for illumination. Fortunately, I was able to hook the strap and raise it to the surface without anybody else in the building seeing me.

Metal coat hangers :thumbsup:

I just read the first part and thought you were trying to save money on an abortion...

Learned pretty quick that I was wrong.

I have been doing more stretching with my workouts lately and I feel I can safely predict that I will soon be able to touch my toes (with my knees locked).

It has been awhile but I'm definitely getting closer. At the rate I'm progressing, it is inevitable.

Those toes will be touched.
