Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I think choo is going for the conspiracy theory here. He's been known to do that.

Please continue Muddy if that's your desire! RC, you'll never make it as a motivational speaker!

I don't generally disagree with you MrMonkey but on this rare occasion I must at the very least try and have you reconsider that.

While it may be status quo for motivational speakers to encourage that encouragement can take many forms. In this case Reno may be right. Why should Muddy put himself through that process yet again when he already proved at least from an intelligence standpoint he was worthy of being a contestant? What message does it send? Sure there is the old standby, "never give up on your dream" and that's all well and good but it also suggest that it's ok to be ignored and set aside for as long as deemed necessary till we decide we can't get or aren't diligent enough to search further?

I'm sorry but Reno is right. Muddy has been disappointed long enough. It's time he puts all his energy into entertaining GameLive and maybe even growing the stache back.
Now if you want to know how to maximize you FLOW in one sentence I can do it in 3 words.


You have to be capable of visualizing where you want to be.
We all have windows of opportunity, some more than one but when that window opens you have to be able to recognize it.
Finally you have to have the ability to capitalize on that/those opportunities when they present themselves.