Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

sg goes to the internet cafe every day to spend money to call my house. (even though mrs d calls.writes her on skype every day night for hours and as soon as she gets home)

we are never here, so she just says halo into the answering machine. guess i'm gonna gave to fork over for caller id though
Hate Chili Peppers. Love guacamole. Thought just today (true) that it was strange that I hadn't seen any internet pictures of Isaac from The Love Boat as the storm progress map. Go figger.

Can someone make a new one with Isaac from the Old Testament on there?



lol, just fucking with ya, son. :megaman:
was just at a chicago beach, and was in the water and noticed a hot young chick wearing a thong...

i'm pretty sure at most non miami beach type public beaches, that Thongs are rare and may even be illegal. I mean I'd never seen one.

so I got out to show big al, how was on the beach. Cuz i'm trying to get her to wear them down in North and South Carolina beaches as she wears tiny stringy ones anyways. but she thought it might be illegal....

so now she believes me, but wouldn't wear them to chicago beaches anyways as the beach and water are filthy.... I got back in with myphone, but couldn't get close enough and be brazen enough to photograph or video the girl without appearing too obvious...

Muddy, you ever bike in a thong?