Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

lol. i don't get it, people want to rent apartments when they have no means of paying? Sounds like here I guess.

My house search continues. I get denied. I offer to pay the whole lease up front. They still say no.

I've had this problem, so ridiculous. Money don't mean shit after all. They want to be assured that you're taking up the ass from some important employer and credit card company.
I've had this problem, so ridiculous. Money don't mean shit after all. They want to be assured that you're taking up the ass from some important employer and credit card company.

I'm not asking for a credit report. or a job. Just some kind of proof that you can afford the place and the name of ONE person, ideally a past landlord, who's willing to say something good about you.

These two requirements alone disqualify over half the applications I get.

Oh i have good credit, references from past landlords, two people willing to put up their properties as collateral, bank statements that show monthly deposits in amount of at least 5 times the monthly rent.

Colorado here we come. probably cant rent there either now though lol.
what's that like $200 shipment for them lol

has to be. it cost my mom $100 to fedex my debit card here from colorado.

the funny thing is this key doesnt benefit MB at all. it didn't cost me anything, there are no fees. The Neteller card that they obviously do not spend lots of money to ship would generate them probably thousands of dollars of fees per year.