Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

do these volleyball assholes have to hug each other after every point? what a bunch of tools. They must have been taught that since the game is pointless, we have to over emphasize every stupid detail. :dunno:
I mean these guys are hugging when the other team serves into the net for fucks sake.
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I just watched Richard Roeper's review of Dark Shadows. Details aside, he could have been talking about any Tim Burton movie. Quirky, uneven, visual stuff going on.

He gave it a C which I guess translates into the 5/10 area although he called it the first big disappointment of the summer season so whatever.

Since I have put myself in the advice-giving business today, here is my advice for Richard Roeper - using letter grades for movie ratings is a bad idea. Doesn't work.

Michael Phillips is giving Dark Shadows 2 out of 4 stars.
I guess Depp likes what he likes. He has also worked repeatedly with Terry Gilliam who is about as close to Tim Burton as a director can be. If someone told me Terry Gilliam has actually been Tim Burton all along, it would only be a mild surprise to me.

Perhaps it is to his credit that he pursues his passions rather than being an Oscar whore.
