Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

vomiting is contagious...
yep, scientific data is in a
nd confirmed
went to eat with boys
get back in truck
lil one starts gagging , I hold cup for him to puke in.
1st cup fills, I go for 2nd cup
then I proceed to gag, trying to hold it.... failure
then other son lets his chunks fly

all in all ....minimum damage inside truck
we contained most of it
parking lot not so much:megaman:
Whenever the topic comes up I always stress that Mad Men is not for everyone.

Some people, when they have a show/movie/music they like and they hear someone doesn't like it, want to insult that person's taste. If comments like those came up on imdb, no doubt there would be condescending responses along the lines of it being over your head and you should stick with shows about car chases and explosions and blah, blah, blah. That pattern of discussion is the #1 cliche of that kind of forum.

I don't see it that way at all. It's a very particular show. I understand people not liking it. But for those who do, like me, it is a show of a lifetime, particularly that first season.

**Mad Men spoiler alert

The thing is, it seems like it should be a show that I would like. I really appreciate a show or movie where there is a good effort at character development which Mad Men seems to attempt. However, I can't identify with or pity any of the characters. It just doesn't let me. The relationships in it are shallow and unmoving. Don Draper is ashamed of his childhood? Really? Grow up already. Who cares? It's so damn trivial and they take it to such unrealistic levels. His wife seems rational and good-hearted. Why is there absolutely no intimacy in that relationship? Well, there just isn't. Zero insight. They paint every marriage that way though. Is this a statement about marriage? If they're trying to paint most marriages in that era with that same brush, it's surely insulting to many, many couples. It's just a clusterfuck of a bunch of cowards that run away from their problems rather than facing them head on and resolving them - even after events in a life that should cause some self-reflection (like Roger Sterling's heart attack). I have a hard time caring about people like that - whether they are real or fictitious.

I'll probably keep watching subsequent seasons when I have some free time, but I doubt I'll change my mind. It's a decent show, but it doesn't move me in any way.
Opened account at Victor Chandler this morning. Deposited $1,000. Made 2 $500 MLB bets.

Dear Mr X,

We are contacting you today to advise that a business decision has been taken by our Senior Traders and I must inform you that betting Account Number 4063471 has now been closed and no further business may be executed on your behalf.

The total balance of the Account $2158.75 is currently in the process of being paid to your MoneyBooker account and can take up to 48 hours.
I’d like to think that my best days are still ahead of me. That at some point down the road everything will become vibrantly clear and the doldrums of day to day life disappears and life becomes more rewarding. I mean everything leading up to this point was designed to learn from my mistakes and be enlightened so it only stands to reason that going forward life will be more insightful and pleasurable. Maybe I won’t right all the wrongs of my past but just maybe my future wrongs will be minimal or possibly non-existent. I’ve worked a lifetime and so financially things should now be so much less stressful and I’ll be able to enjoy my golden years.

I’d like to think the above holds true and if I lived in a fantasy world it would. Unfortunately I rarely learn from my mistakes and so often repeat them. I’ve never had much retained much from memory so the likelihood that I will magically become more enlightened probably is all hocus. Chances are that all I have to look forward to as I go forward is graying hair, weakening bones, uncontrollable bladder and a drastically tight fixed income.