Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

They arent even good at props, limits start at $100. I dont even bother even though they copy sportbook.com props a lot. ( lol at you tony )

They do post a shitload of derivatives, some you wont find anywhere else, which gives them lots of opportunities to fuck up.

What they are doing now is essentially taking lines off the board after a big bet or if they are steaming, i guess till one of their idiots can look at it And change it, not sure why this isnt automated. But i checked and they onky block action on the one side, you can still bet the wrong side.
What they are doing now is essentially taking lines off the board after a big bet or if they are steaming, i guess till one of their idiots can look at it And change it, not sure why this isnt automated. But i checked and they onky block action on the one side, you can still bet the wrong side.

This really interests me.....

How did you go about discovering this?

So they have a supervisor monitoring who at one point decides, "ok, we're only taking action on the wrong side from this point on."


Good stuff, durito.
And now, another episode of:


Human: Look at all those idiots. They need to get moving.
Human: Who cares? Why are you in such a hurry?
Human: I'm not in a hurry, palooka. There's just no point standing around, palooka.
Human: Why are you calling me palooka?
Human: I didn't.
I saw the movie The Aviator last night. I saw it when it first came out and then last night was the first time since then.

I was really surprised. I kind of shrugged it off and filed it under it's okay after the first viewing. I started watching it last night without much enthusiasm.

But on review I think it is really freaking great.