Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Cookie Monster is missing. I suspect they know what happened to Cookie Monster, much like the magically appearing crack on the screen of my laptop. For some reason the missing Cookie Monster is bothering me more.

WAR! Nobody messes with Sesame Street. Hopefully, they will come to their senses.

(Elmo is getting lots of love in the MCB homestead)
Emily has 5 elmos now.

So my careful investigation has come up with the following facts:

At 3pm yesterday plastic Cookie Monster, Elmo, and Big Bird shampoo were ready for a bath with Emily. I leave to run errands. I return and of course :suegragloria: is here and Cookie Monster is missing. Coincidence I think not.

Where is the god damn cookie monster?!
I would just like to say:

Meryl Streep won a Best Actress Oscar on the weekend and, in her acceptance speech, made a self-deprecating comment about how America must have moaned over the tedious choice.

I can't speak for America but I definitely did not find the choice tedious. I consider Meryl Streep the greatest actress of the last ~40 years and she has given me a lot of entertainment - and I consider it an injustice that she has only won three. It is ridiculous that there was a (something like) 28 year gap since her previous Oscar. Meanwhile they were giving the things to the likes of Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock. :rolleyes:

Even now she has only won 3 times out of 18 (??) nominations. That ratio, while better than the 2 for 18 it could have been, is just not right. Based on merit, she should have about 7.

That is all.