Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Sometimes I wonder.

Sometime in the middle of most nights, I wake up and go to pee. I am half asleep and I pee sitting down in that situation, generally with my eyes closed.

I am right on the verge of being asleep and what I wonder is if it is possible to actually fall asleep peeing. I wonder if maybe one time, I will fall asleep and topple over and wake up having smacked my head on the floor with pee all over the place.

This is the sort of thing I sometimes wonder.
And by the way, if anyone is thinking of turning this into some kind of geriatric issue perhaps relating to my aging prostate, no, it's not that.

I drink water all through the evening so it is only natural that I will need a 3 a.m. whizz.

There was a drive-by shooting in the sleepy, bland little suburban neighborhood I grew up in. Pretty much an unheard of event. It wasn't all that close to my parents' house but it was right next door to the house my oldest pal Bert grew up in. Both his parents are in this news report.

Anyway that's not my point here. There is a guy in this report who cracks me up. He shows up at the ~30 second mark.

Oh shit, I just realized you have to sit through a commercial to even get to the report and no one is going to want to do that, but there is this alarmed neighbour talking about the number of shots fired and he says, "I heard up as high as 12. Who has a gun that does 12 bullets?"

Yes, wow. LOL! Dude must have come straight from his special ed class.
