Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

sbr has turned into a shitty place. shari bans me because i used someone else's computer for two days since i had to get my computer fixed. the person's computer i used was an sbr member also and he's banned too. i emailed sbr several times and they don't write back. worst decision sbrjohn made was hiring a woman to work for a gambling forum. now two quality posters will be posting elsewhere. i tried pm'ing lou over there but my pm's are turned off. funny he pm'd me the other day about renewing my pro status. it's great i can't pm him back.
sbr has turned into a shitty place.

Not a recent phenomenon. It's hard to think of a time in SBR's history when you couldn't have said that with some assuredness.

SBR is McDonalds - you're not going to get an exquisite dining experience there.

I have a hunch your SBR issues could be worked out if you want them to, however you are more than welcome here. I think I remember you from the Industry forum at SBR, right?
Who the fuck are you?

He's TREECE guy

If you don't know Treece then it's clear you're a noob.

I agree with you on all counts, Treece EXCEPT for the whole Shari being a woman thing. Totally irrelevant.

SBR pulled the same shit with me after a friend logged in at my place during a football party.

Maybe Oksana can shed some light on this BS that SBR pulls.

I thought it was a ghost :banghead:

Now I know who treece is but I find it funny that everytime someone gets banned now, Shari is blamed

X gets banned - "Shari did it!"

Y gets banned - "That Shari is a woman, doesn't like men and banned me"

Here begins the final phase of your descent, which will last about a minute. It is a time of planning and preparation. Look around you. What equipment is available? None? Are you sure? Look carefully. Perhaps a shipment of packed parachutes was in the cargo hold, and the blast opened the box and scattered them.

Here's the thing though: the world is so beautiful. I can get down on things at times - like recently in starting my new job - and I think, fuck the world and fuck this and fuck that. But it's warm and a nice breeze and sunny and green trees and puff clouds against blue sky. There is art and music. There are incredible people.

It's all so fucking beautiful.
Here's the other thing. I don't have complete feeling in my right little toe.

It was a rough first week of work on my feet and I'm sure I bitched about it. My feet were not just sore by Friday afternoon - they were swollen.

Anyway they feel okay now except for one residual effect - that toe is somewhat numb. Odd feeling. Not sure if I should care more than I do.

We will monitor the situation :greencheck:
Muddy that is not good. Bad things can be happening in your body where the first symptom appears in your extremities. Not meaning to alarm you but yes, you should definitely monitor the situation closely.

On an almost equally alarming note, I'm finding myself a bit attracted to the dad on 7th Heaven. I'd never seen this show before but it's on every morning now at 5am and he's growing on me. I too shall have to ensure this doesn't develop into something more tragic.
Muddy that is not good. Bad things can be happening in your body where the first symptom appears in your extremities. Not meaning to alarm you but yes, you should definitely monitor the situation closely.

On an almost equally alarming note, I'm finding myself a bit attracted to the dad on 7th Heaven. I'd never seen this show before but it's on every morning now at 5am and he's growing on me. I too shall have to ensure this doesn't develop into something more tragic.

damn...ok then

Here's the other thing. I don't have complete feeling in my right little toe.

It was a rough first week of work on my feet and I'm sure I bitched about it. My feet were not just sore by Friday afternoon - they were swollen.

Anyway they feel okay now except for one residual effect - that toe is somewhat numb. Odd feeling. Not sure if I should care more than I do.

We will monitor the situation :greencheck:

Muddy, I assume you are now wearing workboots where as before probably loafers or tennis shoes. Even a very comfortable pair of workboots can take some adjusting too and if you foot is sliding at all in them chances are you are pushing that lil toe into the corner. My feet always hurts for a week or two till I get a new pair broke in.
Last week I was wearing beat-up 20 year old work boots with soles as hard as concrete. This week I will be wearing brand new work shoes. They have foam insert soles - and I also have some extra inserts which I may or may not use in concert. I have been waiting for the swelling to go down before experimenting with them. I will do that this evening.

Hard to say if the new shoes will be great because of the padding or problematic because of not being worn in.

We shall see.
I used to buy workboots at the cheap places like WalMart or Zellers, and my feet and back ached after every shift, you get what you pay for.

Now I spend the extra $50 or $60 and get my boots at Marks Work Warehouse, the more expensive boots are vastly more comfortable than the cheap stuff, my feet and back aren't nearly as sore as when I wore the cheap boots.